Showing posts with label Shelter Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelter Pets. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Boy and His Dog

Puppy Love
Charlie Hunnam
Because the season of giving draws nigh I thought this charming photo of hunky Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy and his pooch posing in West Hollywood for fans was appropriate.

Now you may be scratching something wondering why, or you may see the connection, but not sure of what point I am trying to put across.

People love pets. The Holiday season tends to play on our best instincts and emotions. So how about this year when you give the gift that keeps on giving a companion for someone, adopt them from a shelter.

Like Naughty Girls, Shelter Pets need love too!

Something to contemplate in the countdown to Christmas, think about it, but not too much, giving something that makes two living things happy. That's the spirit!

Charlie on Instagram: