Thursday, September 26, 2024

Michael's Musings

What Lies Beyond Dreams

"I do think someone is protecting me. I don't know if it's an angel it could be the devil" - Madonna

I'm Michael Shinafelt and I resemble this quote 100%! Now let's get to it strike a pose there's nothing to it..

Remember, when you are dead, you don't know your dead. The same applies when you are stupid

The Republicans are basically running a shock jock in a diaper who reads at a 4th grade level for POTUS

You're dry humping my last raw nerve

Mariah Carey is defrosting as we speak

Only 35 days until Halloween...

What would you do it Samara Morgan (The Ring) crawled out of your TV???

How many of you can admit you talk to yourselves, you know you want to

Fall is when the mosquitos return to Hell

Woman Crush of the Week - Demi Moore for her star turn in The Substance

God Bless Ozempic

The bar makes me cry and moan

Saw a portrait of Betty White with a bong a my local dispensery titled: Bongy White

The most underrated thing about me is my ability to transform

I also can take down down someone with a hand gesture

Talk to the hand here -

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