Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland & Jane Fonda

Here is a photo of Donald Sutherland & Jane Fonda on Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA. As you recall they starred in Klute together. 

Donald Sutherland was very much a part of my movie going experience growing up. Don't Look Now and Ordinary People come to mind. Klute I have yet to see and is on my list.

Thanks for the memories...

Donald on Wikipedia -

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Inspiring: Selma Blair

White After Labor Day
Selma Blair
Catching Selma Blair out and about and all smiles at the Farmer's Market in Los Angeles made me feel inspired, not to mention I smiled along with her.

Selma who starred in two of my favorite movies Cruel Intentions & The Sweetest Thing as you may or may not know has Multiple Sclerosis. While I am not in as a tough predicament as Selma I have been basically out of commission for two months and it is coming to an end, soon.

One of the things that always inspired me when I was feeling a little down was checking out Selma's posts on her Instagram page. "Yes" I follow her on there and you should too.

No matter what kind of a day she is having Ms. Blair always manages to find the humor, hope & love in every situation that is thrown at her by this terrible affliction. Her daily posts really put things in perspective. Not only is she an inspiration to others with MS, she is an inspiration to all of us to live our best lives.

Selma has set that bar really high, thus your mission today is to grab life by the ______ the blank is yours to fill in, and not let go!!!

Selma on IG -

Friday, October 5, 2018

Seeing Red

Fashion "Red"y
Lady Gaga
Look out on the street, it's a bird, it's a it's Lady Gaga in a red dress strutting her stuff in NYC!

It's been hard out there for a pimp to escape the web of Lady Gaga with A Star Is Born opening today. "Yes" I'm going to see it, but I will be there tomorrow at my favorite local theater The Vista in Silverlake, CA.

"No" I will not divulge what time I will be there, it's a secret, I have plenty of stalkers already Thank You very much.

Time to get back on topic, or is it???

Honestly with Gaga's opus scoring a 93% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes how can you go wrong with this timeless tale hitting theaters here, there and everywhere, I ask you? I know none of you will answer, but you can't say I didn't try!

On that note, see you at the movies this weekend bitches!

Go Gaga on IG at -   

Friday, March 16, 2018

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Shoot That Poison Arrow
Alicia Vikander
The reboot of Tomb Raider opens today, thus I bring you this striking image of Alicia Vikander aka Lara Croft poised and ready to hit you with her best shot, bow & arrow style.

While I did see the original with Angelina Jolie I will be sitting this one out. Why? It has nothing to do with Vikander, it has to do with my taste changing. There was a time I would go see pretty much anything I was such a rabid movie goer. Well things have changed and I no longer have time for that.

Translation: Most movies are not that great and or can be viewed in the comfort of your own home. I am quite choosy about what I will spend $$$ on to go see in a theater...and guess what action films are not really my thing. They have to have more layers to them than fancy stunts and set pieces to entice this guy. Since most of them are that and only that, you get the pic.

Digressing a little I do like Vikander, she is a top notch actress and if anyone can breathe life into the role of Lara Croft it's her.

Best wishes Alicia I wish you all the success in the world with this, I however will wait for you next drama. 

Mic drop!

Alicia on IMDB: 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Make Out! It's The Oscars

Pardon My Tongue
Adrien Brody & Halle Berry
Here it is and here it shall be the 90th edition of the Academy Awards will be televised, today. Am I excited? Hell to the f#cking no! Will I watch? Here and there is the answer to that question.

While it has been an extremely lackluster year for movies, don't kid yourself, it really has. The only real reason to tune in would be the possibility of a moment like the one I nabbed above. 

"Yes" when Adrien Brody won Best Actor for The Pianist he inexplicably grabbed presenter Halle Berry and made out with her.

I am sure it was a in the moment thing where Brody got swept away in the emotion of winning, but it was indeed an odder way of expressing that than Sally Field's "you like me" speech - which is endearing to this day.

So let's cross our fingers something off the cuff happens today otherwise it's going to be a bumpy ride. By that I mean boring.

Michael has left the building...

Go Oscar on the WWW at:

Friday, December 9, 2016

Immortal: Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone

We're Immortal!
Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling
OK, it's not very often I get to the movies, nor is it often I anticipate one either. Well hold onto your nether regions I can't wait to see the Hollywood themed musical La La Land. For sure I will be paying for an overpriced ticket and reserved seating at a gargantuan multiplex to view this.

To publicize the release of the film, it's stars, Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone, two of my favorites, became immortal this past Wednesday by putting their hand prints in cement at the world famous TLC Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Wow, how cool is that?!

Congrats on the honor you two and on all the accolades La La Land has been receiving.

T.G.I.F - see you at the movies!!! Hit the trailer after the jump!

La La Land at:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kate Beckinsale Is A Dick!

Detachable Penis
Kate Beckinsale
With my recent posts about vagina and booty I could not pass up addressing the penis on here now could I?!

Especially when that organ happens to be the lovely Kate Beckinsale best known for the Underworld movies in an inflatable dick costume with the caption "Just a girl trying to make it in a man's world."

Oh is this how you do it? I learned something new today, thanks Kate!

Kate tweeted the image without details of any sort, much to her followers collective frustration.

See what a total dick she is???

Happy Tuesday!

Tweet with Kate at:   

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Sign Of The Apocalypse?

Jennifer Lawrence Slays
Jennifer Lawrence channeling Marilyn Monroe?! Is it a sign of the Apocalypse? Well sort of...

It's a sign of an X-Men: Apocalypse screening!

This is for all you fanboys out there who, love comic books and Jennifer Lawrence, and really who doesn't? I am sure there are some, but you are in the minority.

Me? I am a J-Law fan, comic book movies? Not my thing overall, but I have seen a few including the original X-Men, which I did enjoy.

Mostly I woke up today and felt rested and fun. This lead to a need to share that with others. Thus I thought I would score with something that would put a smile on many people's faces.

Yep, I'm a giver.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

X-Men on IMDB: 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Adam Levine Is A Stalker

Adam Levine & His Wife, Model Behati Prinsloo
Give Us A Halloween Treat
"Baby I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals" - "Animals" Maroon 5

That's right, Adam Levine is going as a stalker for Halloween in the video for the latest Maroon 5 single: Animals.

His costume of choice is quite controversial apparently among organizations that are advocates for stopping violence against women.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, and here's mine. Having seen the video and being a fan of horror, to me this is pretty standard fare and no big deal.

Personally I find Anaconda by Nicki Minaj or Robin Thicke's date rape song Blurred Lines way more offensive and degrading to women than Animals.

Animals is essentially a short slasher film about a stalker that has premiered during the perfect time of the year, Halloween. Translation, it's a great video and brilliant marketing, nothing more.

Sorry if I do not share in the outrage over something that is seen in TV shows and movies all the time.

I love the video, it's creepy, sexy and has great imagery, everything a gritty horror movie should be! Check it out below!


Unleash Your Beast at: