Showing posts with label Taylor Swift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taylor Swift. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Don't Mess With Taylor Swift...

Look what you made her do...

Kim Kardashian's social media profile is taking a hit in the wake of Taylor Swift dropping a new diss track about the reality TV star.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Superbowl Sunday

Taylor Swift

It's Superbowl Sunday again Minions! The showdown is between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs for those of you out of the loop.

However this year's MVP will not be on the playing field. "Yes" this year's MVP is Taylor Swift, saw her name 5 times and she will appear (OK, kidding, you do't have to day her name at all and she will appear.)

Taylor has had quite the 2023 and looks like she is going to win 2024 as well. Not to mention  her guy Travis Kelce who is tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs needs cheering on, Taylor style. I know you've seen her engaging because MAGA (ts) have lost there sh!t over it!

Whatever the outcome of the game Taylor Swift for today's win!

Taylor on IG - 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday Motivation

Here we are another Monday another Monday Motivation this one is from the most popular woman on the planet Taylor Swift.

If I was a betting man I would bet the house that Taylor knows of what she speaks all things considered. Honestly how could she not with this?

Pain can be good fuel to push you further and make you try harder. Listen to the woman because I'm sure that's one of the reasons she is the most successful music star out there presently.

Now get on with your Monday Minions and F#ck the pain away!

Taylor on IG -

Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Motivation

Love her or hate her Taylor Swift is a talented young woman. She also gave my favorite Monday Motivation this week.

This is something I learned a long time ago and it is quite a powerful place to be. Once I understood Ms. Swift's comment I found easy to dismiss anything negative stated about me by a casual observer.

Recently I encountered some harassment along these lines of a certain someone who kept telling me a basic bold faced lie about who I was. I finally said to them: "What you say to me doesn't bother me because I know it isn't true. It's the fact that you keep saying it that's annoying me."

Succinct to the point and really what was being said wasn't the problem because I am confident and secure in myself, it was the repetitive factor, I was bored hearing it over and over every chance this individual got.

Thus this Monday and times infinity I be on Team Taylor & Michael - trust me, it's a winning one!

Taylor on IG -   

Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Tale Of Two Taylors

Lautner & Swift

Taylor Swift teamed with her former boyfriend Taylor Lautner on her latest video for her unreleased track I Can See You off of her Speak Now (Taylor's Version) re-recorded album. 

WOW! That's a lot to take in all at once now isn't it???

Thus let's just christen today A Tale Of Two Taylors and have a Kiki.

PS the Taylor know as Swift is the one with her back to us in the photo.

Get the full 411 at the CNN article below -  

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

You Need To Calm Down

Taylor Swift

With all the utter BS surrounding the LGBTQIA community this Pride Month I feel Taylor Swift said it perfectly: You Need To Clam Down!!!

It seems to me Donald Trump having a Meg Ryan moment from When Harry Met Sally during a public speech at a podium is cause for some real concern, not people who are just trying to live their lives in peace.

Enjoy the last week of Pride Month Minions and remember Pride is an all year long thing!

Hit the video for You Need To Calm Down after the jump...

Taylor on IG -  

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

NBD aka National Backwards Day

Who's That Girl?
Taylor Swift

Today is National Backwards Day and it's amazing the stuff you find when you Google things that make you go reverse. I found out that Taylor Swift sometimes hikes backwards. She's been spotted in Los Angeles doing this many a time. 

Her explanation? Here it is: “I saw the guy with the camera and wasn’t in the mood so I hiked the whole trail backwards and my security told me when to make turns."

Sounds reasonable enough to moi, hey if you aren't in the mood...

Thus let's celebrate the day and bend it like Taylor, you know you wanna try walking backwards bad!!!

National Backwards Day on the WWW -

Saturday, March 27, 2021

National Joe Day

Got Joe?
Taylor Swift & Joe Alwyn

In today's turn and face the strange news, did you know that guys named Joe have their own day? Well now you do today is National Joe Day! Seriously, it is, look it up if you don't believe me. 

So if you have an actual friend named Joe, perhaps you want to meet up for a cup of Joe or two to celebrate. Of course we all know how Taylor Swift will be celebrating this day being as she has a beau named Joe, actor Joe Alwyn to be exact.

Now I don't think they will celebrate dressed to the nines as they are in the above moment, but I am sure they will most likely be up to something, something.

Remember today the world belongs to all the Joe's and you just live in it...

Mic Drop!

National Joe Day on the WWW (see I told you it was real) -

Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday Motivation

Taylor Swift

I know I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again, and most likely one more time before November 3rd. Today's Monday Motivation is VOTE! VOTE early, VOTE on election day, VOTE by mail or drop your mail in ballot off at an official drop off box. Not a fake GOP one, they send you the official locations near you with your ballot FYI.

Here today to help me motivate you is Taylor Swift. Ms. Swift has recently gotten vocal in a political way (not a music way, she's been doing that for a while.) about her political leanings. 

She recently stood in line and cast her VOTE for Biden/Harris. How do I know who she VOTED for? Because she came out and backed the Biden/Harris ticket publicly, that's how.

Now I'm not trying to motivate anyone to cast their ballot a certain way, OK, yes I F#cking am! Please join Taylor and myself and cast your VOTE for people who are not insane and addicted to Adderall.


Voter Information -  

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Michael's Musings

Drag Chicken
Michael Shinafelt

We have arrived at yet another Thursday of another week in the year 2020. The one thing you can say about this year without any question is there really hasn't been a dull moment during this time in History. There have been quite ones, but those were of my own making and choosing (and trust me we all need them)

Moving on I had a great sleep last night and I don't know about you kiddies, but I feel so much yummier, time to hit it!

Taylor Swift has a new album Folklore dropping tonight at Midnight, because what the world needs now is new music from Ms. Swift???

You've come a long way since the slut pig days baby!

In my next life I want to come back as Muffin Sangria

What is this? Showgirls? Wear a bra

Peacock's are simply chickens in drag

A kiss can be deadly if you mean it...

Hugh Jackman in a tux, that is all

Please I need you to stay inside, gays encouraging their friends to self quarantine 😈

Woman Crush of the Week - Wall of Moms, they are bad ass!

Brandi Glanville really brought last night on RHOBH

If God loves us, then why isn't auto-correct very accurate?

When your mind says isolate, but your loins say something else, discuss 

"It’d be nice if Mark Zuckberg put the same amount of effort into removing white supremacists from his website as he does putting on sunscreen" - Chelsea Handler

This is what happens when Caucasian people get adventurous

Get your adventure on with me here:

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

"You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on my gown?
You need to calm down"
You Need To Calm Down, Taylor Swift

While I understand there are many things to give one pause in the world today, let's keep them in perspective. "Yes" there are some things that should anger/upset/disturb you. Then there's things that the Karen's of the world get mad at.

PS you know who you are and what I'm am addressing, uh-huh, I'm gonna leave that here. Moving on Minions...

Hey Police, my 81 year old Mom has been practicing her falling skills FYI

Doesn't anyone watch Sesame Street anymore?!

There's a sucker born every minute, swallowers are harder to find - The more you know

If you could cure COVID19 by sacrificing just one human, who would it be and why did you choose Trump?

Dear Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute - WTF were you thinking?! Honestly I am surprised this took two years to come out. Neither of you can blame it on your youth either. How entitled of both of you to think you could call the cops on anyone for a crime they did not commit just because you were mad at them for cheating on a friend of yours. Let alone doing it to a Black Woman...Wow, just wow!

The Battle: Impulse for connection v Impulse for the greater good 

Holy Mother of Dachshunds!

Hello, My Tricks (make of it what you will, or not)

Woman Crush of the Week - Judy Garland who would have been 98 yesterday. Why? Because it's Pride Month and her performance in A Star Is Born is nothing short of brilliant!

The Confederate Flag is a symbol of slavery, racism and oppression, but it’s also a symbol of losers getting their ass kicked, just sayin'

Trivia: Who was the last person to disband the Police? Answer: Sting

Ever wonder while kicking it: Where's the lightning bolt?

Now serving candy for breakfast

It's always great to have the comfort of Law and Order: SVU reruns during these times

Come see what else I'm watching at:  

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Michael's Musings

Seeing Red
Michael Shinafelt
Cuomo shows up and it's like “Ooooh, Daddy's here.” Newsome shows up and it's like “Ooooh, likable step-dad is here.”Trump shows up and it's like “Ooooh, racist grandpa took out his dick at the bus stop.” - John Fugelsang

Yeah, I wished I could take credit for this gem, but I acquiesce to comedian John Fugelsang. I follow Mr. Fugelsang on Twitter. Oddly getting my Tweet on has been a quite cathartic outlet for me during these trying times. It's the arena where I get truly politic and where brilliant minds like Fugelsang remind me not everyone is a MAGA Zombie Apocalypse wanna be. Moving on up, down and perpendicular...

Post quarantine will the producers of My 600 Pound Life find me? Or do I need to call them? How does this work???

BTW - how's your quarantine going? I actually took a nap yesterday to stop eating...

Vanderpump Rules is totally dreck this season

In these tough times there we can always count on the Taylor Swift/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian menage. They'll be there for you.

Raspberry Sherbet - that's all

My favorite refrain of late? "Where's the pizza???"

Stop getting creative with hard boiled eggs, I implore you!!!

Just Say: Le Woof

Woman Crush of the Week - Sia because I want to swing from the chandelier, damn it

You put your right foot in, you rock out with your c#ck out. Now THAT's the hokey pokey!!!

Doesn't it feel a lot better?

Fingers crossed Halloween Kills, the follow up to 2018's Halloween doesn't get lost in the shuffle due to the age of Corona. Hey, I have my priorities in tact.

When you are a gay man with the last name of Rimmer (true story) 

Do you hear what I hear? Do you? Answer me! Whatever...

Send nudes here:   

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Michael's Musings

TBT: Feel The Blonde
Michael Shinafelt
The week in review? Let's not and say we went there, shall we? Yeah, it's like that. While everything is what you make of it, some things are more challenging than others and push you to find your super power within. Luckily the power to be my own Superhero exists in me, and you minions.

I have not lasted this long to be taken out by a virus named after a light beer. Hear that Orange Julius?! Here we go again, as it will and always shall be, it's time!!!

Nothing says love like a chocolate maggot

Billy sticks his finger in Susan's clam, what happens next? Discuss...

Rivers, veiny and rushing (yes, that's an entendre

FYI I've put it all on the record, uh-huh

Taylor Swift is "The Man" in her new music video, puns are in the heart

Let me show the the exact moment  _________ what would you like me to see peeps? Show me...

Macaulay Culkin set to appear in Season 10 of American Horror Story, I wonder if he'll be Home Alone in it?

Overheard while grocery shopping. Woman to her friend: "Booze, I must have some booze."

Woman Crush of the Week - Lala Kent of Vanderpump Rules. Sobriety is a good look for you, keep it up grrrrrrrl!


Hey let's go back to the pod

Riddle me this, why does my face hurt sometimes after working out?

Remember to always keep feeling fascination 

Fun Fact of the Day: Ryan Gosling owns a pair of King Tut slippers 

What do I own? Find out at the links below...if you dare!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Odd Couple

Taylor Swift & James Corden
New Couple Alert! Bare witness to Taylor Swift and James Corden out on the town. JK Last night was the premiere of the movie Cats and the two of them co-star in it. But how fun would it be if they were really dating? Yeah, I thought so too 😃

Anyway, "Yes" about last night, it was the premiere of the movie musical Cats and it was a big to do. Director Tom Hooper says he finished the final cut of the film 36 hours before the premiere. Wow! That's really "cutting" it close! 

Oddly enough, or perhaps not. There is no word on how good it is or isn't really. That may be because of it getting it's final touches at the last minute, or it could be that they fear the critics will not like it.

Personally I have not interest in seeing it one way or the other. Nothing about it appeals to me which is why, never have I ever seen the Andrew Lloyd Webber show.

C'est La Vie!

Cats on the WWW:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Just Because...Taylor Swift As Rapunzel

Let Your Hair Down
Taylor Swift
Just Because it's whimsical, Just Because it's artsy and Just Because it's Taylor Swift photographed by Annie Leibovitz, Heeeeeere's Taylor as Disney's Rapunzel!

Annie as you may or may not know shot a series a various celebs as Disney characters in an ad campaign for the parks called, what else? Disney Dreams.

I love this campaign and ever so often I run an image from it here on Entertain Me. Well with Taylor Swift being everywhere 24/7 not to mention that she appears in this month's movie musical Cats today it was her time to take the Disney Princess throne.

Thus Just Because it's my blog and I do what I want to, this is what you get on this Tuesday December 10, 2019.

You're Welcome...

Taylor on IG -

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Hangover?

Bottoms Up!
Taylor Swift
Apparently Taylor Swift tied one on for a party she threw for herself and those who participated in the making of the You Need To Calm Down video. This of course was post yesterday's Teen Choice Awards where she was presented the Icon Award.

You Need To Calm Down
Taylor Swift
She drank enough to get #DrunkTaylor trending on Twitter. Ya wanna know something? From the looks of it "Drunk Taylor" looks like a lot of fun IMHO. Heck Taylor joined in the Tomfoolery and owned it by Tweeting out the trending news herself - "Threw a party to celebrate with the people who made the ME! & YNTCD videos with me- and we had so much fun that ‘Drunk Taylor’ is trending on Twitter. CHEERS."



Makes me wished I was at her soiree. So I'm gonna kick off your week with some images of "Drunk Taylor" that are sure to make you wished you were rolling in the deep with her.

I Whip My Hair Back & Fourth
Taylor Swift
Only one question remains, does she have a hangover today? Can someone spill on that for me?

Taylor Swift on Twitter -  

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Silly Sunday

Since I am feeling Silly on a Sunday and Taylor Swift is in the spotlight right here, right now I thought it would let the good times roll and post her goofy AF Got Milk? ad.

First off let me state I am NOT a milk drinker. I can't stand it, but Taylor apparently does judging from her milk stache bringing all the boys to the yard. 

All of the Got Milk? ads are sublime in how ridiculous they are, but Swifty gets the singling out for this Silly Sunday

Now get out there and get yourself some...


Taylor on IG - 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Michael's Musings

Because I'm Michael, Bitch!
Michael Shinafelt
And the week keeps my stomach, like the key of a car, like someone in their grave, like a Gold Dust Woman - "Yes" I have a silver spoon, and I'm gonna dig my, whatever. 

Hey Guy, your name is Coffee? You can keep me up all night, fer sure!!!

"I thought I was the bitchiest Gay until Taylor Swift made a video, about how everyone should support the LGBTQ community and now SHE’S THE ENEMY!" - Tony Tripoli, Comedian 

The plumber is still here - is this a euphemism?

Laura Dern on Big Little Lies is brilliant!

Current Instagram Girl Crush: Laverne Cox

FYI Madame X is a c#cks#ker 

PS Madame X & Myself share a common goal

Whores of a feather do spin class together

Ariel Beesley
Catching the awesome Ariel Beesley this Tuesday for an ACLU benefit @ The Echo in Los Angeles, join me? 

Whoopi Goldberg is jealous of Bella Thorne because nude photos of her have leaked and no one wanted to see that sh!t

I'm stoked on ambition and verve, I'm gonna get what I deserve 

Not thinking about anything is zen

People like us just don't give a _______ fill it & fill it hard, it's blank after all

He got me moving like the beat of a drum, I threw him on the floor and made him want to - it rhymes with drum minions

Don't ask why at -   

Saturday, June 15, 2019

You Need To Calm Down

Partners In Crime
Justin Mikita, Taylor Swift & Jesse Tyler Ferguson
Whether you like her music or not, there is something about Taylor Swift the person that is compelling. I'm glad she is finally using her not surprising liberal voice to support causes like Planned Parenthood and, "Yes" the mysterious "Gay Agenda." 

In honor of Pride Month Ms. Swift gave a surprise mini concert at the Stonewall Inn honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. She was joined on stage by out actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson of Modern Family fame for her song Shake It Off

Her latest single You Need To Calm Down pledges support to the LGBTQ community with it's upbeat lyrics, thus her celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall is a no brainer.

Pride Month continues to roll till the end of June. Keep on keeping...!!!

Taylor on IG -