Showing posts with label Tokyo Delves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tokyo Delves. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Push" It In 2014 With Angela Rockwood

Angela Rockwood
2013 was shall we state an interesting year, read into that what you will. Whatever challenges we have all had and I know there have been many for all of us, let's let loose our inner "Push Girl" coming in to 2014.

"Push Girls" on the Sundance Channel, if you haven't seen it shows what reality TV can achieve, it is inspiring and entertaining without pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Tiphany, Auti, Mia, Chelsie & Angela give it to you straight and real, four of them are paraplegics with the sole exception of Angela Rockwood who is the only quadriplegic of the "Girls."

These women are amazing spirits who elevate themselves and you when you watch. They are not self pitying and really have a red hot fire in their souls.

Bringing me to Angela - I had the pleasure of meeting Angela at a Birthday Party a few years ago at Tokyo Delves in North Hollywood, CA.

Angela is beautiful inside and out and, like the other "Girls" an amazing testament to the human spirit and what it can achieve.

Well Angela has a 2014 calendar "The Yin and Yang of Ange" out that you can purchase and let her optimism and intelligence inspire you for the next 365 days.

So "Push" it like a "Push Girl" and get Angela's calendar - let 2014 be yours!

Happy New Year!

Buy Angela's Calendar at:

Become a "Push Girl" at: