Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Breakfast At Tiffany's

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” stands as a beloved classic for many reasons. It captured the excitement and glamour of early 1960's New York City chic, made an icon of actress Audrey Hepburn, influenced popular culture and fashion, and contains an immortal theme song. A giant commercial success, it garnered five Academy Award nominations and took home two statues. When I first saw it as a boy, I could sense it was a noteworthy film and even got emotional at the end, though I didn’t exactly know why. I watched it again, and though I liked it, felt I didn’t understand it and brushed it off as one of those classics that just didn’t speak to me. Cut to today, when I rewatched it after years to prepare for this post and had a completely different experience." - Jay Jacobson, Jay's Classic Movie Blog

Hit it after the jump!


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