Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hump Day & Chill

Reese Witherspoon
Vanessa Lutz

"Do you wanna get shot a whole buncha times?" Vaness Lutz, Freeway

I decided to ge totally diffrent head for this Wednesday's edition of "Hump Day & Chill" and illustrate how not to chill.

The dark comedy Freeway has been on my mind of late, thus I watched it again on Tubi (I love Tubi!) - Well one Miss Vanessa Lutz is a perfect example of how not to chill. She is tightley wound and a tad on the trigger happy side (vilolent.)

Ms. Lutz is played to perfection by one Ms. Reese Witherspoon, that's all.

Check out the movie if you like, personally while I love Freeway and Reese in it as you can tell by the above image and quote: Vanessa Lutz is no example of how to Hump Day & Chill.


Freeway on IMDb -

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