Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Hump Day & Chill

Seahorse Love

Today we shall Hump Day & Chill to a thing of beauty...nature. Here we have a female seahorse passing her fertilized eggs to a male seahorse so he can carry them term.

"Yes" that's correct Minions, it is the male seahorse who goes through pregnancy and gives birth in case you were out of the loop on that fact.

Thus gender fluid is a real thing, it's natural after all.

Let's just put it this way if there was anyway to use seahorses as a vessel of hate and political posturing I'm sure they would be a target of the current whatever the F#ck you want to call it since we really don't have a President.

For those of us who marvel at the world around us, let's pay the "good vibes" forward and Hump Day & Chill to the thing of beauty that is the seahorse.

The Seahorse on Wikipedia -

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