Need A Hand? Mark Patton |
Remember A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge? The least successful sequel of the series at the time, the one that was like a puzzle piece that didn't fit? You know the sequel where the protagonist Jesse portrayed by Mark Patton was a tortured teen struggling with his homosexuality, yeah that one.
Well here is some great commentary and coverage of it by Tye Briggs from Favorite Hunks and Other Things and of course it is accompanied by images of Mark in nothing but underwear and naked! Boo!
Don't ever let anyone tell you horror can't be sexy, enjoy this blast from that past and Happy Schwinging!
Here is the NSFW link blow! "One two Freddy's coming for you, three four better lock the door..."
Take Me Out! |
Since I mentioned that one of the things I was kicking off my New Year with was Richard Greenberg's Tony Award winning play "Take Me Out" which I saw at a preview last night I must mention it, right?!
Well happily so. I have never seen the play before and what a wonderfully written piece of work!
The synopsis for "Take Me Out" goes something like this:
"Take Me Out," Richard Greenberg's 2002 Broadway hit, explores with wit and compassion what might happen if a player on a major league baseball team were to announce that he is gay. Greenberg brings out many attitudes toward homosexuality by drawing his main character as a very specific, unique individual. Darren Lemming is the star player who has led his team to win two Worlds Series in a row. He comes from a middle-class, biracial family but has never faced any sort of racial prejudice. He is the ideal ballplayer on the ideal team, until the day he decides to announce his sexual orientation to his team: then his relationships change with his coach; his teammates; his new business manager, who is gay; his best friend, who is devoutly religious; and especially with the homophobic pitcher recently up from the minors, who refers to Lemming by using an offensive slur...
Pretty intriguing stuff, no? Not to mention, since most of the play takes place in the team locker room, there is a lot of frontal male nudity, what was that?! Yes I said, a lot of male frontal nudity.
The actors are in top form, all of them, and the directing by James Kenneth is spot on.
Special thanks to my friend and producer Kenne Guillory for the invite!
"Take Me Out" opens tomorrow January 4th 2014 at The Complex.
Take Yourself Out at: http://www.plusoneproductionsla.com/take-me-out-info.html