Showing posts with label IMDb.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMDb.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The More You Know

Lisa Bonet

Did you know?

Lisa Bonet ate no basil, is Lisa Bonet ate no basil spelled backwards?!?!

Now you do.

You're Welcome and enjoy your day!

Lisa Bonet on IMDb -  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hump Day & Chill

Hector, Put Me Down!
Farrah Fawcett

As Pride Month winds down I am reminded of two of the things that makes me thankful to be gay. My understanding of camp and good bad movies.

Thus we are going to Hump Day & Chill to a movie that is both of the abovementioned things, Saturn 3.

Here is the plot:

A couple of space-station dwellers are menaced by a scientist and his amorous android. The robot is dismantled but soon finds a way of putting his parts back in the right order and continuing his quest.

I can hear your collective snickers already. Pretty silly no? Yet so damned bad and entertaining!

For the record Farrah looks stunning as per usual and Kirk Douglas is in damned good shape as her older lover. In fact there is scene where we see his quite supple booty and it looks so yummy!

Harvey Keitel does his Harvey Keitel crazy thing that he does and he does it so well. Then there's Hector the renegade robot, one of the best bad cinema moments is seeing Hector lust after Farrah. "Yes" it's terrible, amazing and unbeleivable all rolled into one.

So grab your favorite adult beverage and Hump Day & Chill Minions Saturn 3 is a trip, literally!!!

Saturn 3 0n IMDb -

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Hump Day & Chill

Ms. Weisz I Presume..
Rachel Weisz

While surfing the ole WWW this stunning image of Rachel Weisz came across my Twitter feed and it reminded me of the time I saw her at a movie premiere in Hollywood and how even more stunning she is IRL.

Thus we are going to Hump Day & Chill with things that are Rachel today. 

My favorite Rachel Weisz role? Evelyn Ann Thompson in the 2003 Neil LaBute film The Shape Of Things. If you haven't seen it, the less said about this indie going in the better. Let's put it this way Weisz is perfectly cast in a "you didn't see it coming" type of role opposite the ageless and sexy Paul Rudd.

She also happens to be married to one of the hunkiest men alive Daniel Craig aka Bond, James Bond.

I hereby decree today that we Hump Day & Chill to all that is Rachel Weisz, because I can...

What's your favorite Rachel Weisz role???

Rachel on IMDb -