Today is what is known on the Internet as Tunesday (Tuesday/Tunesday, get it? Groovy!) - Thus I thought something musical was in order. Something beloved if you will.
So here it is Minions, the classic movie musical The Sound Of Music! Can I get a do a deer? "Yes" I sure can!
I know millions of people out there are fans of this film. While I am not one of them, I am a Julie Andrews fan and love her in this movie.
Thus on Tunesday I hereby decree The Sound Of Music as your collective earworm. Once it's in your head you will never be able to get it out!!!
Feel free to check out all the behind the scenes history of it and more on my buddy Jay Jacobson's Classic Movie Blog. He is a well of knowledge regarding the history of film.
The hills are alive Minions, sing it, sing it!