Showing posts with label Under The Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Under The Sea. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Little Mermaid, Justin Bieber

Ariel The Mermaid Is My Half Sister
Justin Bieber

Yesterday in spin class while the song Sorry by Justin Bieber was propelling our motion along. The instructor says: "How many of you in here would date Justin Bieber?" 

Oh, is that what you would call it? I certainly wouldn't want to date him because I really don't need to hear him talk. Who would date him?! I wouldn't want to have a  conversation with him, but with his supple ass I'd certainly want to do something to him...and then be done.

Then I come home to see J. Bieb in a towel, not in all his glory, like in those recent vacation images that surfaced (nice package boy) with Little Mermaid hair. My moniker for that purple gray color that's going around.

Still, doable, but Daddy says change it back to platinum, now!

Have a Salacious Sunday

Under The Sea with Justin at: