Coin & Ghost Presents
No Exit [-19]
A Digital, Quarantined Reimagining of Sartre’s Classic
Directed by Alex Demers & Zach Davidson
Presented on Zoom
Saturday, April 11, 2020 @ 6 & 8:30pm PST
Coin & Ghost, LA’s theatrical home for remixed mythologies, will present its latest digital adventure, No Exit [-19], by Jean-Paul Sartre. With two performances on Saturday, April 11, 2020 (6:00 and 8:30pm PST), the performance takes Sartre’s classic and streamlines it, placing it directly in the context of today’s world: quarantine, Zoom, and a collective sense of existential dread.
In No Exit [-19], three recently dead strangers find themselves trapped together in Hell, but it isn’t the Hell they had expected—no flames, no torture, no demons—just two other humans connected via Zoom, and some disappointing furniture. Over the course of the play, they come to discover that they have been confined together intentionally, that the three of them are so incompatible that Hell, for them, is just being trapped together for eternity. Co-directed by Coin & Ghost Artistic Director Zachary Reeve Davidson and frequent collaborator, Alex Demers, No Exit [-19] is a thoughtful, timely, and surprisingly funny take on the Hell we are all currently living in. For information and to join the Zoom call for the performance, please visit Tickets are a suggested donation of $5, and half the proceeds will be donated to the
Coronavirus Relief Fund.

The cast of No Exit [-19] is comprised of Davidson (Garcin), Jessica Antenorcruz (Inez), Elisa Rosin (Estelle) and Demers (Host). Choreography is by Rachael Caselli, with stage management by Niki Armato, technical rebellion by Will Cotter and documentation by Meredith Adelaide. The ambitious team is made complete with Coin & Ghost’s inner circle that includes its Managing Director Marguerite French, Associate Artistic Director Kendall Johnson and Director of Community Engagement Joseph Baca (with Davidson, Rosin, and Armato rounding out the admin team).