Showing posts with label How To Marry A Millionaire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Marry A Millionaire. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How To Marry A Millionaire

Money $$$
Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable & Marilyn Monroe

Now don't get too excited this isn't going to be some crash course on how to get rich by laying around if you get my drift and I think you do...

This is more like a Sunday Funday post of Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable on the set of How To Marry A Millionaire.

Yeah, I know something of a let down, but not entirely. Hey no one can really tell you how to land someone worth millions, but you can have a whole lotta fun watching this movie if you haven't seen it already. If you have then get two times the fun out of it and watch it again.

Enjoy your Sunday!

How To Marry A Millionaire on IMDb -