Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hump Day & Chill

Bend It Like
Marilyn Monroe

After a week of Wild Fires (and counting) in Los Angeles, CA I thought it was time to revisit a simpler time in the cities history.

Let's take a Hump Day & Chill trip back to the days of yore when Marilyn Monroe lounged on a chair languidly looking like a million dollars, shall we? We shall!

Marilyn is the kind of woman you knew you could have a dirty martini with, laugh and confide in. I bet she would never tell anyone your secrets, and you'd better not spill hers either.

So let's raise our collective glasses and toast to the history of Los Angeles/Hollywood and remember a time and place when things were less chaotic. 

Hump Day & Chill...Cheers!

Marilyn on IG -  

Sunday, December 22, 2024

When Marilyn Met Maria

Happy Talk
Maria Callas & Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe and Opera Singer Maria Callas encountered each other in 1962 at President John F Kennedy's Birthday gala.

As is evident by the fact Marilyn is wearing the iconic Birthday Dress (it cost $12,000) she crooned the Birthday Song in at the event to the crowd for JFK's Birthday. 

What I would truly be interested in is what these two icons spoke about. "Yes" I would love to have been the proverbial "fly on the wall" and eavesdrop, taking in every single word and sentence.

Wouldn't you? 

Only three more days until Christmas Minions, time to bend it like Marilyn and break out your Sunday Best!

Marilyn Monroe on IG -

Maria Callas on IMDb -

Saturday, August 31, 2024

When Judy Met Marilyn


Judy Garland & Marilyn Monroe

"That beautiful girl was frightened of aloneness—the same thing I'd been been afraid of. Like me, she was just trying to do her job—garnish some delightful whipped cream onto some people's lives, but Marilyn and I never got a chance to talk." - Judy Garland

Beautiful souls, wished they had.

Judy on the WWW -

Marilyn on the WWW -  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Remembering Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
The Misfits

Sixty two years ago today...💋

"And it seems to me you lived your lifeLike a candle in the windNever knowing who to cling toWhen the rain set inAnd I would've liked to known youBut I was just a kidYour candle burned out long beforeYour legend ever did" - Candle In The Wind, Elton John

Marilyn on IG -

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How To Marry A Millionaire

Money $$$
Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable & Marilyn Monroe

Now don't get too excited this isn't going to be some crash course on how to get rich by laying around if you get my drift and I think you do...

This is more like a Sunday Funday post of Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable on the set of How To Marry A Millionaire.

Yeah, I know something of a let down, but not entirely. Hey no one can really tell you how to land someone worth millions, but you can have a whole lotta fun watching this movie if you haven't seen it already. If you have then get two times the fun out of it and watch it again.

Enjoy your Sunday!

How To Marry A Millionaire on IMDb - 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Love Happy

Groucho & Marilyn

Love Happy two words that bring good vibrations to your mind, body and soul. So let's get some of that on this Saturday April 13th 2024, shall we? Of course we shall!

Thus here is a still of Groucho Marx and Marilyn Monroe from, what else? The movie Love Happy.

Your Welcome!

Love Happy on Wikipedia - 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Something lighter and non spooky today. It's the Classic Movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes starring Jane Russell and my personal favorite Marilyn Monroe.

It's the musical comedy that made Monroe a star and then some.

Thus let us not dilly dally and check in with the expert on such things my buddy Jay Jacobson straight outta his Classic Movie Blog!

Jay always has the in depth 411 and behind the scenes gossip on all that is cinema.

Reel down to the link and enjoy! 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Remembering Marilyn Monroe

Today is the 61st anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's passing. To commemorate it here is a still from my favorite Marilyn movie The Misfits written by her then husband Arthur Miller and directed to the great John Houston.

Marilyn's portrayal of Roslyn Taber was simply one of her best. The photo is from my favorite scene in the film where Roslyn dances with abandon among the trees. I'm really not sure how else to describe it, other than the scene itself is mesmerizing.

Rest In Power 

Marilyn on Wikipedia - 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday Motivation

This Monday Motivation quote rings true especially for me of late. I have learned that you need to trust that people can deal with uncomfortable truths about you and still stick around because they know the best of you.

That has been the best gift that has been given to me. I always felt if you told people the darker things they would run the other way. Not so, the individuals I opened up to surprised me and stuck around and supported me. It even made me closer with one of them.

Why? Because the best of me is worth it and so am I and so are you!!!

Take this with you into the week, trust me people aren't as fragile as you think and know what a great person you are even when you stumble or misbehave, it happens to all of us.

Motivation on Wikipedia -

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Just Because

Atomic Blondes
Jayne Mansfield & Marilyn Monroe

Just Because weekends were made for fun, Just Because glamour used to be a thing and Just Because two Hollywood icons are better than one here is a image for the ages of Marilyn Monroe & Jayne Mansfield.

There is some historical debate as to how close these two actually were, or weren't. Some say they were good friends, while others say they were casual acquaintances i.e. friendly in public, nothing past that.

All that being stated, the one thing that those in the know seem to agree on is they were not rivals. They were cordial and always wished the other well.

One take I read is that Marilyn never felt threatened by Jayne as she felt they were not in competition and there was room for everyone.

Hooray for Hollywood!!! 

Marilyn on Wikipedia -

Jayne on Wikipedia -  

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Hump Day & Chill

Santa Baby
Santa Claus & Marilyn Monroe

All of you know by now that I am a huge Marilyn Monroe fan! Also I am aware that perhaps I need to put in more effort on the "Christmas Spirit" thing.

Thus we are going to Hump Day & Chill with this whimsical piece of art featuring who else?! Marilyn Monroe & Santa Claus.

An image too cool for yule.

Hey, there really isn't too much else to add, you have the whole 411 on why this is my Hump Day & Chill gift from me to my Minions.

FYI only fourteen days left, and I have yet to start doing anything with regard to the whole to do. Perhaps I need to Hump Day & Christmas Card??? LOL!!!

Christmas on Wikipedia -

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hump Day & Chill

A Vibe
Marilyn Monroe & Gwen Verdon

With all the buzz about Blonde the fictionalized version of Marilyn Monroe's life, well we need to Hump Day & Chill to Marilyn and her real life I say!

Here is, to me, an amazing behind the scenes photo of Marilyn and dancer extraordinaire Gwen Verdon on the set of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

Gwen is watching every step Marilyn makes, while not the actual choreographer, Gwen is making sure Marilyn has it down, pitter pat.

Marilyn and Gwen, Gwen and Marilyn. They are giving a grand Hump Day & Chill vibe that is all their own.

Yes, they own it, and so should you!!!

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes on Wikipedia -  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Hump Day & Chill

Candle In The Wind
Marilyn Monroe

Today is Marilyn Monroe's Birthday! Thus I propose we Hump Day & Chill to an image from my favorite film she was in The Misfits with Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift.

Here's the 411 on it:

"While filing for a divorce, beautiful ex-stripper Roslyn Taber (Marilyn Monroe) ends up meeting aging cowboy-turned-gambler Gay Langland (Clark Gable) and former World War II aviator Guido Racanelli (Eli Wallach). The two men instantly become infatuated with Roslyn and, on a whim, the three decide to move into Guido's half-finished desert home together. When grizzled ex-rodeo rider Perce Howland (Montgomery Clift) arrives, the unlikely foursome strike up a business capturing wild horses." 

Happy Birthday Marilyn!

Marilyn on Wikipedia -  

Monday, March 7, 2022

Something In The Way...

Grauman's Chinese Theater

Yesterday I went and saw The Batman at the historic Chinese Theater in Hollywood, IMAX style. 

Batman is my jam and IMO this was the best Batman movie ever! Robert Pattinson is the best movie Batman ever! 

There I said it. Now on to the important stuff. While I have been to movies in a theater last year etc. I really wasn't prepared for how emotional I got being in the iconic Chinese again. 

From the hand prints in the cement, to the amazing architecture inside. You can feel the history of this shrine to movie going leap into your soul.

A little bit dramatic? Not really, accurate to my feelings, it is. 

I mean I even took this photo of Marilyn Monroe's hand and foot prints (yes I had seen them before) I was feeling so nostalgic. 

Sally Forth and smile like you mean it, it's Monday!!!

The Chinese Theater on the WWW -  

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Good Vibes Only

I Feel Good!
Marilyn Monroe

While I know Valentine's Day isn't until Monday and it's something I don't celebrate no matter the circumstances. This vintage V-Day photo of Marilyn Monroe is the Good Vibes I am feeling at present.

That's correct Minions I am feeling Good Vibes all around me from the right and to the left, up and down and all around.

Everything has flowed in life for me of late, a feeling I quite enjoy and hope continues for a spell.

Thus Marilyn and Me cordially invite you to join us in feeling groovy today and every possible day you can moving forward. 

Trust me, it's an amazing place to visit and an even better one to stay a while.

Mic Drop!

MM on the WWW -   

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hello 2022

Last night I celebrated NYE like a sensible human being and spent it on the couch watching Miley's New Year's Eve Party with Miley Cyrus & Pete Davidson.

While others took in the likes of Andy Cohen & Anderson Cooper. Whoever you watched and whatever you did I hope today finds you safe and healthy. 

Thus I thought we should kick off the first day of 2022, New Year's Day as the masses call it, with an icon for the ages, Ms. Marilyn Monroe.

"Yes" Marilyn is in the house to represent January 2022! Who am I kidding she's here to represent for the whole year of 2022 adjacent to my desk because "Yes" I bought an MM 2022 calendar 😎 

Welcome to January 1st 2022 Minions!

New Year's Day on Wikipedia -  

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Monday Before Christmas

Santa Claus & Marilyn Monroe

It's the Monday before Christmas aka only five more day until it's here! I was taken to lunch for my Birthday Saturday at The Cheesecake Factory in the Americana in Glendale. For those who aren't familiar The Americana is basically a mall.

Oh, and it was busy! I haven't seen that many people gathered in one area in a loooooong time!

So my guess is with a scant five days left you all are gonna be manic AF, am I correct? Well being as there is so little time left and it is Monday and such I thought that seeing a magical rendition of Marilyn Monroe and Santa Claus might brighten your day a little.

"Yes" I'm a giver this time of year.

So smiles everyone, and put a ribbon on it...

Christmas on Wikipedia -   

Friday, August 6, 2021

Film Buff Friday: The Misfits

With the recent anniversary of the passing of Marilyn Monroe I thought we should take a look back at my favorite film she was in The Misfits courtesy of my buddy Jay Jacobson and his classic movie blog.

The Misfits is a truly haunting classic that boasts mesmerizing performances from Monroe, Montgomery Clift & Clark Gable. Not to mention great direction from John Huston and a screenplay by Arthur Miller. 

One of my all time favorite movie scenes ever is in The Misfits. It's the scene where Monroe as Roslyn dances silently amongst the trees. Trust me the scene packs an intense emotional punch.

As per usual while reading Jay's coverage I learned some new behind the scenes facts about the history of this masterpiece.

What's that you ask? What new things did I learn? Hit the link below and find out! It's one of the best write-ups of a classic Hollywood film I have ever read! T.G.I.F!   

Friday, January 15, 2021

Film Buff Friday: Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot is one of my favorite movies of all time. So much so that I in fact have the poster above in my home.

Today I am posting a link that my friend Jay Jacobson wrote about this comedy masterpiece (IMHO) which is one of the many films featured on his site Jay's Classic Movie Blog.

In addition to Some Like It Hot you will find other classics such as Rebel Without A Cause and Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca, which are two of my personal faves, plus many more.

Jay not only breaks the movies down he gives you behind the scenes history of the stars and facts of what went into making the film and things that happened during the making of it.

So if you like it classic & hot, click on the link below...🌟  

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

"There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds"

This past week two things have occupied the corners of my mind, David Bowie and Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits. How are they related to my psyche, each other and the world around me? I really don't know. What I do know is both of these things take me to a happy place and in these trying times that's the best medicine there is, time to carry on...

Dug last night's RHOBH watch party. It was fun having two RHONY, Luann de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan commenting on the women from BH.

"Stand By Your Man" sounds better when Tammy Wynette sings it, so does "Justified and Ancient" for that matter.

Life Hack: If you stop weighing yourself, you will stop gaining weight

Those calling out God's name on Sunday morning are not as fun as those who call it out on Saturday night

It's not up to women to fix misogyny, even if it was they wouldn't get paid as much as men to do it

Billie Eilish unfollowed everyone on Instagram, now my  life is complete

May the bridges I burn light the way 

The two top grossing movies in the US at present are Jurassic Park & JawsEff Jaws that movie scares the crap out of me. Eff Jurassic Park because that movie is underwhelming.

Woman Crush of the Week - Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits. The best surprise is no surprise! 

Travel all roads, leave no questions unasked 

I've been dreaming in Haiku's of late

John Cena just ran naked through my mind 

For some reason the Grim Reaper and Florida are synonymous to me

Once upon a time there was a bag of jellybeans...

Go into the light with me at -