Friday, June 7, 2024

"Close To You"

"Close To You"
Mike Clifford

Here is the perfect ballad for Pride Month a re-working of the Carpnter's Classic "Close To You" 

Sung and performed by former Teen Idol Mike Clifford of "Close To Cathy" fame.

The cover itself is a tribut to the song's writer Burt Bacharach here's the 411:

"Mike first met the late Burt Bacharach in New York in 1963. Since then, Mike has been an admirer of his work. In the course of his illustrious career, Burt won six Grammy's, three Oscars, an Emmy, and many other worldwide awards. In this tribute, Mike has recorded a new version of one of his biggest hits (written with Hal David), "Close to You" made famous by the Carpenters in 1970. With a brilliant arrangement by the iconic Maurice Gainen and a fresh and captivating video, Mike brings new life to this classic million seller! Special thanks to Devin Pinckard for lending his wonderful talents to this project. Entire production was conceived and co-produced by the great Maurice Gainen and Mike Clifford."

Hit the video after the jump and celebrate your Pride!

Mike on the WWW -  

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