Showing posts with label Fashionista. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashionista. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Today's WTF Moment...

Kendall Jenner & Kate Moss

The Grammy's air today in case you give a F#ck. However this is the image that caught the apple of my eye. "Yes" it's two iconic models, Hey it always takes two. Give your wafer up for Kate Moss & Kendall Jenner!

WTF are they doing? I'm so glad you asked. They are sitting in the front row at the Longchamp runway show during New York Fashion Week. (say that three times fast, I dare you MotherF#ckers) -

Since I am no fashionista - really F#ck that Sh!t - I liked the surprise element of this image and the passing of the torch sort of thang.

Oh, and let me state something. Even though Kendall Jenner has had it easy in the lucky break department. Honestly she is what the modeling industry looks for. So shut the F#ck up and quit your bitching assh#les.

Who knows why I am using such profanity today??? Also you shouldn't give a F#ck!!!

biss mich dumm hund aka bite me dumb dog.

NY Fashion Week on the WWW:

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Just Because...Janet Jackson

All For You
Janet Jackson
Just Because we are part of a rhythm nation, Just Because it's all for you & Just Because she's Janet Jackson - Awwwwwwww sh!t I gave it up on the third Just Because - Ladies and Gentlemen here's Janet!

See Janet being quite the fashionista, See Janet filming her latest video under the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn, New York, See Janet, well looking at you...

I'm coming out of the closet, "Yes" minions I am a Janet Jackson fan. It all started in 1986 when the notorious JJ declared she was in Control. She then declared herself the leader of a Rhythm Nation I followed. Then she became simply Janet and damn that was one amazing ride! 

Although there were many great songs on her first name basis opus the one that really was my ultimate jam was Throb -

"I can feel your body
(Ooh baby)
Pressed against my body
(Ooh baby)
Wrap yourself around me
(Ooh baby)
Love to feel you throbbin

(Ooh baby)"

Save your judgement calls and move on - this is about the wonder of Janet. Janet was of her time and really amazing. I wish her the best moving forward. Her call to arms anthem Rhythm Nation is especially relevant right here, right now. 

"With music by our side
To break the color lines
Let's work together
To improve our way of life
Join voices in protest
To social injustice
A generation full of courage
Come forth with me
People of the world today
Are we looking for a better way of life
We are a part of the rhythm nation
People of the world unite
Strength in numbers we can get it right
One time

We are a part of the rhythm nation"

Janet on IG: