Showing posts with label Sniffles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sniffles. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Motivation

Just Be
Jon Hamm
Yesterday I did something that I haven't in a long time,meditate. With a little bit of a cough and the sniffles I decided it was OK to take some down time and do the minimal things that I needed to without being anxious. "Yes" I cleared my head of all thoughts of what I "should be" doing and just was.

It was one of the best days ever! When you feel anxious, stuck in a rut or just plain over things, take a mental vacation. It takes strong discipline to do it, but if everyday could be like, not to mention feel like yesterday I would be on cloud nine, ten, eleven...

Thus meditation is Monday Motivation - I leave you with this now iconic image of Jon Hamm doing just that in the series finale of one of my favorite shows ever Mad Men. If you recall Hamm's character, Don Draper came up with the iconic Coke jingle during this zen moment....I'd like to teach the world to sing, indeed....

Now get to it, meditate peeps, Namaste!

Meditation on Wikipedia: