Showing posts with label The Flintstones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Flintstones. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Hello Dum-Dum

The Great Gazoo!

"Starships were meant to fly, Hands up and touch the sky" - Nicki Minaj, Starships

TGIF! Look it's The Great Gazoo here to impart us with words of wisdom heading into the weekend.

"Yes" these days "Hello Dum-Dum" actually qualify as words of wisdom. If you can't wrap your head around why, well then I guess you...well, never mind.

What's that you say? Who is The Great Gazoo?! Well let me tell ya about The Great Gazoo!

"The Great Gazoo, or simply Gazoo, is a fictional character from the animated series The Flintstones. He first appeared on the show on October 29, 1965. The Great Gazoo was voiced by actor Harvey Korman."

Gazoo would always greet Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble by saying "Hello Dum-Dum" 

Are you getting the picture now? I suspect you are...

The Great Gazoo on Wikipedia -   

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt
Wow! What a week!!! The Democratic Party finally found unity, and a vision. After what had basically been a sh!t show. Watch out Comb Over Caligula - your days are numbered and soon you will be the People's B!tch!

Alright, let's do this, right here right now - look, there's an oriental's time!

Just Because...When you're with The Flintstones you'll have a gay ole time 😲

Feel The Bern, no thanks, I got a shot for that once

You must sample the tart (ambiguity is my forte)

Wow! Yesterday was one year since Luke Perry passed 😢

Remember that time when you had lettuce stuck between your teeth? Those awkward moments...they should have Hallmark cards for them. 

Spin like you are Stevie Nicks!

I had a funny dream this morning that you were my personal trainer, you know who you are

Time to pull the plug (Yeah, I'm being ambiguous, yet again)

Woman Crush of the Week - Chrissy Teigen - Hey, she's beautiful, funny & she's got chutzpah!

I have a proud confession to make - never have I ever watched The Masked Singer. Honestly there is something creepy about it to me. 

Please do tell _____ fill in the blank and tell me damn it!

Remember, your junk drawer is a leaky fountain of yearning...

Call me, at a designated time, on the line, not anytime

I'm may not be on the line all the time, but you can always find me here: