Friday, February 10, 2017

A Gay, a Muslim and a Jew...

This One's For You Donald Trump!
l-r Gay, Jew, Muslim
Walked into Nordstrom and then hit the White House to give the finger to Donald Trump. Well, they actually did.

In the wake of  Nordstrom dropping Ivanka Trump's line and incurring the wrath of Orange Cosby Chelsea Handler and friends (a Gay and a Muslim) hit the department store with glee and then got photographic evidence of it outside the White House.

Many other celebrities have followed suit tweeting about hitting Nordstrom too, but you know Chelsea she had to outdo them all, and did.

She also tweeted out this gem in retaliation to the Bitch Baby of the United States regarding his Ivanka & Nordstrom tantrum:

"Trump says his daughter has been treated ‘so unfairly’ by Nordstrom. Oh, was she detained for 19 hours when she tried to enter the store?"

Brilliant! Keep them coming Handler

Tweet with Chelsea at:

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