Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday Motivation

Bend It Like Me
David Beckham
Cheers to another short Holiday Week peeps! As if that isn't Monday Motivation enough to top off the week, well here's another idea to keep you moving. "Yes" today's Motivation for the last Monday of 2019 is focus.

2020 promises to be a challenging year and the best thing one can do for ones self is to not lose sight of what you need and want heading into, and living all 365 days of it.

Thus I'm hitting the mat, as in yoga this ayem. Yoga not only keeps me focused it keeps me calm and open to the world around me. Your frozen when your heart and mind aren't open and yoga keeps the door wide for me. 

I'm going to join Entertain Me's yoga poster boy David Beckham's tribe this year. "Yes" David is a yoga practitioner and I'm going to bend it like him. OK, I'm gonna bend it like moi. 

So, find that thing that will keep you keep on keeping in 2020 and stick to it. Starting today, which is 2020 adjacent, not to mention a Monday, get motivated, do it, and do it now!

Mat Time!

Yoga on Wikipedia -

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