Thursday, March 2, 2023

Michael's Musings

I'm Glad You Came
Michael Shinafelt

"Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do? 'Cause it's about to get rough for you, I'm here for your entertainment" - Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment 

Like it rough? Good then we can be friends this week. Perhaps even next, who knows??? I flow where the mood takes me and this week it's got my grinding on all cylinders if you get my drift, yeah, I'm subtle that way...NOT!!!

Buckle up Minions it's going to be a bumpy ride, just the way I like it!!!

Stay Fresh Cheese Bags! 

In a world full of c#nts, You are all my favorites 

One bottle of VCR cleaner please (wink)

You don't need a spoonful of sugar to make me go down, the more you know...

Voom Voom Shebang!!!

How does it feel to be the human equivalent of cotton candy???

What now? My pants are down and your shirt is open...

Fact: Los Angeles is an hour drive from Los Angeles 

Woman Crush of the Week - Elizabeth Berkley for her Instagram posts poking fun of her Showgirls legacy. Glad she is able to laugh about it now.

I feel an uncontrollable urge, that's all

Scream 6 looks amazing, Ghostface taking on NYC seems to be the boost the franchise needed 

Academy  Awards voting commences today in case you care

You people are obsessed 

What should I be for Halloween this year? I keep wondering...

Shoot me your ideas here -   

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