Jacked! Zac Efron |
Today's Monday Motivation secret word is: Jacked as in getting said way by lifting weights. Witness my Boy Toy Zac Efron in jacked to the max form for the Baywatch movie...witness it, do it and do it now!
While I do not want to get as jacked as Boy Zac, Daddy is on his own "Jacked Journey" - say that three time fast. "Yes" minions I added Weightlifting to my repertoire of Spin, Yoga & Abs classes and what a feeling!!!
I honestly remember not really caring for the act of getting jacked when I was younger thus when I was recruited to do so recently by my Toy, there was some reluctance to do so on my part, But my Toy was persistent and I caved, he guided me on which weights I should do and told me what body parts I was doing each for specifically. Everyone should have a Toy as a guide.
So guess what? I am loving this new addition to my life, in fact I find engaging in getting jacked quite addicting.
It's Monday peeps, now get your booty motivated!
Weightlifting on Wikipedia -
It's here the day we've all been waiting for the November 6th Midterms aka The People Strike Back!
Thus I posted my favorite Midterm Meme (say that three times fast.)
"Yes" it's raunchy and off color, but it adds some levity to my day and maybe yours, or perhaps not...
Whichever way you view it, you have a voice and you should exercise it today. If you don't then you have no right to complain.
I will be hitting the polls after my Abs & Spin Class this ayem. Join me in the back booth won't you? Yeah, I figured you would.
Get Out & Vote!
Need to find your polling place? Just click on the link below click your heels together three times and say "F#ck Trump!"