My Finger Is On The Trigger Michael Shinafelt |
I love the smell of sex and "Yes" I am feeling bad, and I'm so perfectly good at it in every little way. Go there with me, join me. You know you want to...
Bernie Sanders needs to F#ck the Hell Off (Don't say I didn't warn you) -
Put on your best Sunday Dress - do it & do it now!!!
Someday we will be arrested for crimes of fashion. I will be the biggest perpetrator
Give it a name. Come on, your brain can't even do that?!
FYI I am not the Pole Vault Hooker
Pop up brothels are the new frontier
He touches the darkest regions of my dirty soul
Botched is an abomination unto itself
Cremation - it's a thing
Golden Showers The Oscars |
Ariana Grande fans are boycotting her song 7 Rings apparently. They should simply boycott her. It's really that easy.
I know why it happens
Are you there God? I'm horny
"I'm very much down to earth, just not this earth" - Karl Lagerfeld
Join me and Karl on another plain at: