Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

Saturday, September 5, 2020

It's Not Easy Being Green

Cool Hue
Vanessa Hudgens

Green is an odd color, it's present and abundant in the landscape of our daily lives. One might say it is the prominent hue in nature, actually I believe it most likely is.

This being stated, Green is something that is not really a color of choice for me to wear, or most people really. It's a color that very few can pull off and look good in.Thus it is not easy being Green.

However Vanessa Hudgens with her Green summer dress and matching mask are a completely different story. 

See Vanessa wear the obtuse fashion color out and about in West Hollywood and pulling it off. One might even say she makes Green look good, like anybody could wear it, but we all know the truth.

Well I am going to seize the day and put on something that says cool, my color of choice? Something we all look good in, black!

Vanessa on IG -  

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Go Green, Or Go Home!

Where's Me Gold?!
Jenny McCarthy
Today is the day of four leaf clovers & leprechauns. Going green or getting pinched. Beer & drunks..."Yes" minions it's St. Patrick's Day!

I felt the best way to honor it here at Entertain Me would be to trot out photos of celebrities dressed in green for the occasion. So that's what's happening, right here, right now...Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I Kissed A Leprechaun
Katy Perry
Step Away From The Shamrock
Will Ferrell

Riddle Me This?
Robert Downey Jr.

St. Patrick's Day on Wikipedia: 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Just Because, Anderson Cooper

It's Not Easy Being Green
Anderson Cooper
With the last fling of summer officially over, it's now back to the ole daily routine. Ya know work, making things in your world happen, yeah that.

Sometimes do you ever think to yourself  "I wonder what Anderson Cooper did over Labor Day Weekend?" Sure you do!

Guess what I'm here to give you an answer. He went to a fair in Goshen, Connecticut and was surrounded by aliens, Trump supporters don't freak out, they are of the otherworldly kind. 

Cooper is out numbered! Luckily there was no abduction involved!

Anderson Cooper on Instagram:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jared Leto "Suicide Green"

Love This Joker: Jared Leto
This has been making the rounds on the Internet, yep, it's the first image of Jared Leto as The Joker in the D.C. villains themed film Suicide Squad - Writer/Director David Ayer tweeted it on Friday night.

While some of you may be going: Yikes! I am going, bring it sexy! Something about this Joker makes me want to push myself to the edge and take the plunge!

Leto can even make evil & freaky, F#@king Hot! 

I'm especially loving the "Damaged" tattoo across his forehead, not to mention all the other ones one his body...I now know what I want for Christmas.

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