Showing posts with label Kyla Coleman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kyla Coleman. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Michael's Musings

Selfie Portrait
Michael Shinafelt
"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are foot steps on the moon" 

The above quote is life! Read it an absorb it. If you ever told me at 52 I would be my personal best when I was younger, I would have laughed. 

Well surprise, surprise I recently dropped 40 lbs. "Yes" I blew up to 213  and am now down to 173 lbs. Hence the selfie portrait this week. It's me right here, right now. My next goal is to drop to 165I've got this, and so do you whatever it is you want.Time to get busy!

Life would be so easy if we could all be insincere, luckily most of us can't

Don't go chasing butterflies, especially biracial, bisexual ones

The RHOBH reunion part ince aired this weak, um, I mean week

You, yes you, are dirty and need your booty washed out by cloud soap

Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it.

Don't you love farce? "No" personally I love Yellow Baby Buggy Bumpers 

Just read a headline that states: Taylor Swift Teases - OK, tell me something new

Shout out to Kyla Coleman the recent winner of America's Next Top Model. I admire her fearlessness.
Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy

My Bitch Face will rest when it's work is done

Get a F#cking EDM Sharpie

Liar, liar ho on fire!

When I think about you I ______ it's time to fill in that blank again kiddies

My finger is on the trigger at: