Clea Giving a Booty Shine During a Bonaparte Show |
Berlin based performance artist, Clea Cutthroat is an "Entertain Me" favorite as you may recall when she responded to this writer's "10 Random Thoughts".
Well Clea has been moving faster than a speeding bullet since last we spoke, it's time to "Check In" with her.....
So, Darlin’ are your
knickers off?
Nope! They are right where they should be...I think
See Darlin’ you are a
whore, isn’t “Showgirls” one of your favorite
Yes, and I would definitely be Cristal delivering that
line! No whores here honey, just bitches. I've even watched that movie in German
and it still translates. The language of glass marble sabotage is international
amongst us dancing divas.
We met this year at The
Satellite, in Silverlake, CA for the first time, after I’m not sure, how many
years at sea, I love it!
Can you believe
it? Finally, we crossed the oceans and rivers of planet Earth and cyberspace to
physically meet in person!
Was so amazing to finally meet you
(officially) but, I gotta admit I feel like we've been friends brushing each
other's hair and giving each other manicures for years now!
Mr. Shinafelt & Ms. Cutthroat |
You were actually a native
from my actual hood, expand.
I guess that makes us "homies" then,
huh :)
Yes, I am an authentic, born, mall-raised, frozen
yogurt feed valley girl from Reseda, San Fernando Valley.
I guess those
early years of lining my lips with dark brown eyeliner, then filling them in
with nude shimmering lip gloss was really just a foreshadowing of my drag
queen-esque future to come.
“Bonaparte” is a great
performance art band.
Thank you! It
really is. I love being a part of Bonaparte. It is really and truly such a
unique opportunity to be able to perform with such amazing musicians and fellow
performance artists that inspire me to no end. Within Bonaparte, we are all
equal pieces to the puzzle, and I can honestly say I love every piece.
It's the most amazing opportunity to take my classical dance training
and mix it with my cabaret/burlesque/side show life. I'm constantly learning and
expanding from everyone involved, and that is what keeps you going as an
I am as happy as a clam. ("clam" hmm...no vagina pun
How did “Ms. Cutthroat” become
I met Bonaparte in Paris. Paris, Texas that is. My
parents just moved there...I was visiting so we all got tickets to go see the
rodeo. While we were there, I see this little guy, looking like Napoleon in the
middle of it all. Seriously. I was so curious about him, and I finally met him
when we both went to the bar to order some beers and nachos. I know, it sounds
bizarre, but then we talked and found out I was planning on moving to
Berlin...he has just moved...and well, POOF!
And 4, or 5 (cant remember
now) years later we're touring the states and I finally got to meet
See, horseshoes do bring good luck.
...We should go to a
rodeo together, don't ya think?
your favorite number you do with them, or do you not play
Well, I play a bunch of different "persona's". I have
Amie, Alice, Juanita, Sister Mary...to name a few...and if I start playing
favorites then it's gonna turn into a bitch fest, and I cant deal with all of
these personalities at the moment. Plus, Sister Mary is a drunk, and she is
always slapping Amie around.
If you were a Punk
Song, what punk song would you be?
Without a doubt. "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie", Black Flag. Henry
Rollins. Doesn't get much better. That album,
Damaged, was so influential to me when I was younger. It was like a
treasure chest of emotions that I didn't know that I could tap into. It changed
everything for me.
One of the best 5 shows I have ever seen, was going to
see Black Flag with Henry Rollins in NYC. I have never seen someone so
possessed, obsessed and dominant on stage as Henry. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie was always one of my
favorites, but when I saw that live...it blew my mind. I knew that it was that
energy, fire, rage and passion that I wanted to manifest in Clea.
Sitting here I'm a loaded gun
to go off I've got nothing to do But shoot my mouth
Clea & Bonaparte |
Obama recently supported
Gay Marriage, your thoughts?
...and then I got annoyed because it is so ignorant, small minded, and
pathetic that there is a large group of self-righteous people that believe they
hold the moral and religious code of the universe, and can decided who can, and
can not get married.
Who gives a flying fuck?!!? I don't care if two guys
get married, or if Billy in Georgia needs to dress in a large furry animal
costume to get off at night. I wouldn't care if Sarah Palin loved a man or if
she hosted lesbian orgies dressed as a latex zebra in her spare time. It's all
bullshit and i am sorry that we are in a world where REAL problems get pushed
aside to discuss if a government can decide if I am allowed to choose who I fall
in love with.
Obama needs to gives this country a verbal slap for being
so stupid. Yes, stupid. We will tune into watch Kim Kardashian's 72 minute
wedding, and watch every time Elizabeth Taylor walked down the aisle...and what
is the problem with two people who are in love, but (gasp!) of the same gender
getting married? Why do we care who I, he, she decides to spend their life with?
To me, it sounds like a lot of bored people with closeted desires/fears and have
no better way to release them.
Everyone needs to get over themselves, and
start worrying about our country's education system, our environment that is
boiling, the state of the economy, and stop worrying about who any of us write
love letters too.
I'm more concerned about giving young girls a strong
female role model. I don't care if you want to be President of the United
States, CEO of whatever, a secretary, a Playboy Playmate, a housewife, nor do I
care who/who
m you share your bed with at night. What I do care about is that you
do it with dignity, pride, following your own moral code, and leaving a strong
example to the next generation.
Grrrrrrr...now I need a
You are one of the coolest
women I have ever met.
lol! I don't feel very cool at the moment
after writing that tirade above!
Ok, deep breath, and big sip of the
margarita (delicious!)
Thank you very much! But, if I think about it too
much I will start blushing as I type this:)
I appreciate that you think
I'm cool..cuz I think you're cool too! And having people I respect, respect me
back is pretty much all I can ask for in the end...and a Slurpee machine. I will
really know that I've made it when I have a Slurpee machine in my flat. It
ridiculous, but it's my thing.
Too bad we could not meet
in New Jersey for Cinco Di Mayo.
Maybe next year? I mean, how
amazing would that be to celebrate with a few margaritas in Atlantic City? Maybe
only going to Reno could top that!
What is happening with you in
the future?
This year is going to be quite busy touring with
Bonaparte. The third album will be coming out later this year...so we are
starting soon with summer festival season, and then a club tour in the
Otherwise, I am
burlesque-ing it up all over Europe, and my BIG goal for this year is to finish
my 1 woman show. My fantasy is to have it up in NYC Jan/Feb 2013...I know that
date may need to be adjusted due to touring, but it is my passion. I love
burlesque, it has been, and continues to be very good to me, but I really want
to push myself out of the "burlesque" box and into a box that is all my own.
I've been wanting to do this for years, but my last tour in NYC gave me a big
kick in the ass, so engines are roaring and I'm busy busy getting it ready to
Love you Woman, you keep it
I love you!!!!
...and thank YOU for giving me
such a great platform to keep it real...
As Cristal would say,
"It's amazing what paint and a surgeon can
do"...I always felt that way about wigs and a loud
Get Cutthroat: http://www.facebook.com/cleacutthroat