Raise Your Hand in the Air Like You Don't Care... Michael Shinafelt |
Well the Golden Globe Awards were this past weekend signaling that award season is upon us. While I did enjoy that we got to see some people on the actual Globe stage, the whole Zoom thing is still kind of sort of interesting. It forces one to get creative in their presentation of themselves and their surroundings.
This touches on what I'm about of late, getting creative. Finding my happy place within, because ain't nobody gonna give that to you, got it? Good!
Always Remember: In a storm of stillness chew on the gristle of your soul. That is all.
Do you ever sit and think that some people have dick hands?
I don't wanna be buried in Slut Cemetery...
Cover yourself in wit & rhythm
Sometimes I simply wanna chase the White Rabbit down that rabbit hole
Cheerleader full of spunk, discuss
Texas has a stupid governor in it, Lord have mercy on our souls (sung to the tune of Texas Has A Whorehouse In It)
Tim Allen, Tool Time indeed
Woman Crush of the Week - Gillian Anderson who won a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher on The Crown
You should not be surprised, I told you that I live here
Filibuster be gone, I command you!!!
I like to go big and go home
Do I look thirsty???
I don't care what that man does
Find out of whom I speak here: