How I'm Moved, How You Move Me Michael Shinafelt |
I am writing this presently in my new apartment, that's correct Minions I have a new vibe. I didn't sleep so well, had to hit the futon in the living room. Why? Because I was too lazy to make the bed after spending the day moving, that's why.
It's just me in the corner on my chair, wishing I could wave my hands in the air like I don't care. But I can't I ain't got time for that! Moving on (get it???)
Stop in the name of lip fillers
The customer service rep I spoke to at the AT&T call center in India told me she was happy to be alive...the more you know
I'm tired of sh!t not killing me and only making me stronger
Discovered the cure for insomnia, I fell asleep fifteen minutes in to this weeks episode of The Real Housewives of New York City
Speaking of which there is someone on Twitter who uses the handle: Dorinda Deadly LOL
I find it odd that gay men never win hot dog eating contests
While were on the subject: to the holier thou priest who tried to deny Pro-Choice Biden communion and was on Grindr everyday and went to gay bars: Being a holier than thou jerk is one thing, being a flat out hypocrite is another, just sayin'
Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own
Woman Crush of the Week - Kate Bush, if you don't know her and her music, well, who are you?!?!
You've mistaken me for someone who would care about that
Jeff Bezos wins the big dick competition 2021 hands on
I thought you should know that I've seen all three movies in the Fear Street trilogy
Sometimes a metaphor is just too glaring to ignore
It's time to unpack
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