Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo

One day while I was having a conversation with my friend Jennifer DiMartino one half of the band "The Drews" and the topic turned to "Reality TV" she said she hated to admit she was a fan of Honey Boo Boo.

Cut to me, WTF is a Honey Boo Boo?! As she proceeded to explain all that is Boo Boo - the imp was in my consciousness, and all of the sudden it became Boo Boo's world, I just lived in it.

Andy Warhol, who must have been psychic stated it best: "In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes"....Yeah Andy knew his stuff and apparently saw the Internet coming.,

That's what writer/artist and fame whore Michael Troy captures in his dead on comic "15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo".

It portrays the Boo Boo and her family the way they were meant to be immortalized, as a comic book.
Michael Troy

Troy employs his astute sense of humor and considerable artistic skills with great aplomb.

Yep, when all is said and done Andy Warhol, Honey Boo Boo will be remembered as she should be, a cartoon.

So, pick yourself up a copy of this sure to be collector's item.

As Porky Pig would say "That's all folks"...!

Pour some Honey on yourself at:

Friday, September 28, 2012

T.G.I.F: No Doubt - "Settle Down"

My Autographed Photo of Gwen Stefani
In case you were otherwise engaged this past week, No Doubt has finally reunited and released their first full length studio album in 11 years "Push and Shove"...really?! WTF?! What took you sooooooo long guys?!

Well I guess there were the two solo albums by Gwen Stefani in the interim (loved them both, I love her solo and with ND) - and everyone else went and pursued personal gigs...Hey Adrian I know I saw  you drumming for Bow Wow Wow once or twice.

"Settle Down" is the latest single from the album of one of the best pop/rock bands evuh in this critic/writer/music lovers opinion.

Loving that the band has released a collective effort and you know I love me some Gwen Stefani, Gwen Stefani, Gwen Stefani.....

What is that image at the top of the blog? Why it's my autographed photo of  Ms.Thing herself that hangs next to my vanity mirror in my closet with my clothes, I can not think of a better place for it to be.

A shout out to my friend Joy Collingbourne who works at the M.O.B. Agency the entity that manages ND and GS together or separate - for getting it for me....

T.G.I.F! It's the weekend peeps time to "Settle Down"...!!!

Leave your doubts at the door:

Monday, June 11, 2012

TV Watch: "They're Back" Pretty Little Liars

Bring your "A" game b!tches! "PLL" is back...can I get a "Hey now"? This show rocks and continues to do so season after season.

OK - when we left off with the "Psycho" inspired finale from last season, Mona was revealed as "A" - well as we know now (uh, or at least you should) there is a whole conspiracy surrounding our "Liars".

I still believe Alison DiLaurentis is alive and well and giving the girls Hell. Maybe I am wrong, but there is obviously other enigma's involved in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, OK, I am sorry to see Emily has now gone alcoholic - I always thought her to be so strong, and WTF with Spencer is she in on the "A" game...that would account for a lot if one of the "liars" was working to bring down the others.

Hanna is, well Hanna - I like her and I would be wanting to know why Mona hated me too. Aria (love her) continues to fascinate me as a very young woman, with an old soul, kudos to Holly Marie Combs for her wise portrayal of her mother (hey not all Mom's are that savvy).

 Also a shout out to some of the smartest writing and one of the best casts ever. Can't wait for episode deux, so glad it's back...just in time for summer!

"Summertime and the livin' is easy"........

Thursday, March 15, 2012

TV Watch: GCB = WTF?!

Our society has been reduced to acronym’s, hell I even use them when I write my interviews from OMG to BTW….Well the best acronym that fit’s the self tilted  TV debacle GCB is - WTF?!

GCB - ooooooooh, let’s make it an acronym, maybe no one will know it stands for “Good Christian B!tches” because we know we could not possibly offend the church ladies, even though this is a parody and a spoof - if only this show were remotely that clever…NOT!

ABC has produced a ½ assed quite predictable show that truly wastes a few of my favorite actresses (Annie Potts - oh, and Leslie Bibb are you listening) ?

This show = FAIL on a lot of levels , the writing, the concept & the cowardice on, I am guessing the networks part (hey creative types we all know about the “corporate thing” )

Having acted and loving most of the performers in the show and knowing they have to work like everyone, I will let that slide.

But really can you not tell that Leslie Bibb’s (love her) character is going to sleep with the mousey brown haired character’s husband who is 10 times hotter than she is…??? Oh and that there is a reason this mismatched couple is married to begin with, money, dark secrets….Seriously, how hard would it be to steal a stud like that from that thing?!

Send me a telegram, better yet don’t - this show and it’s outline is more transparent than “The Invisible Man”.

Oh and BTW am I the only Moe out there that thinks Kristin Chenoweth is a disturbing, anorectic, Oompa Loompa - who must suck helium before she speaks?

GCB or whatever the F#$k you want to call it, sucks sh!t -

They say all publicity is good publicity, and here at “Entertain Me” I usually only try to write about things I like, but….here’s hoping this puts a knife in the heart of what is one of the worst shows I have ever seen.
