Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kim Novak

"Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice." - Madeline Elster, Vertigo

And now for something even more random. I woke this morning with visions of Kim Novak dancing in my head...

That's all.

Kim on IMDb -

Friday, August 16, 2024

High, Flying Adored

I Wanna Be Adored

Hello Friday! Time to get high, flying adored! After all isn't that something everyone should experience?

Look at Ann-Margret she's doing just that with her visit to the boys in the United States Airforce.

Airforce guys, planes I'd say nobody does high, flying adored better than Ms. Margret. Hey, she's definitley worth it!!!

Aren't you???

Ann-Margret on IG -

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Michael's Musings

White Guys For Kamala
Michael Shinafelt

Harris/Walz 2024! Live it, learn it, make it a reality!

Woman Crush of the Week - A legend has left us. RIP to the amazing Gena Rowlands

Get with me here -

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Remember When...

Loving this today, it makes me remember when I was in my 20's. That's correct Minions the formative years. You remember that time you went to band camp??? Anyway...

This was my go to type of thing when I was stressed out I would find something fun and completely distracting. Oh, I beleve you thought I was going to address the sex part. That's for my book, can't put it all out there on a blog.

Bringing me to today in my 50's my stress relief is yoga. Hitting it today at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Then heading home to take care of business and chill.

As for the abovementioned??? Yeah, that still has been known to happen...

Mic Drop!

Yoga on Wikipedia -

Monday, August 12, 2024

Lift Your Spirits

Need A Lift?!

It's another one of those days they refer to with disdain as: Monday, yeah it's here again on time and always a drag.

Thus here is something to lift your spirits, or at least lift Donna Summer's spirits. "Yes" Donna's spirits are being lifted by the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger! Talk about a totally different kind of high!

I stumbled across this photo on the WWW and it was something that I had never seen before nor would have thought existed. So it can also lift your spirits as a piece of newly discovered pop culture.

Here is this point in time we are all engaging in together and aren't you happy? You should be it's fun to be part of a collective vibe...

Now tell me why you don't like Mondays again???

Arnold on IG -

Donna on the WWW -

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Rock Hudson & Elizabeth Taylor

Tis Sunday and that means a lot of you are "doing" brunch today. Well here is a behind the scenes shot from George Stevens Giant. 

"Yes" it's Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson falling in line with what looks like quite a few extras to grab some grub.

As you have just beared witness brunch is a time honored tradition. 

I tend to like Brakfast Tacos and a Margaritz for brunch, what's on your plate?!?!

Brunch on Wikipedia -