Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Hump Day & Chill
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Current Mood
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Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho |
"We all go a little mad sometimes" - Norman Bates, Psycho
Norman Bates got this right. Sometimes we all DO go a little mad. If you are in that place then join me there as it's a Current Mood thing.
Come with me to the other side and let's descend into madness. Eat the madness and when you are done spit it back out! It's the circle of life after all.
Madness happens from time to time that's all you need to know.
Don't fight it, simply flow with it. It's all about in how you handle the ride.
Psycho on IMDb -
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Kim Novak
"Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice." - Madeline Elster, Vertigo
And now for something even more random. I woke this morning with visions of Kim Novak dancing in my head...
That's all.
Kim on IMDb -
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Peachy Keen
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Fashion Forward Brad Pitt |
What's blonde, hunky and glows in the dark? Why none other than Brad Pitt in a salmon hued suit at the Bullet Train photo call in Paris, naturally.
"Yes" Minions this photo is giving me life today, because honestly who could pull off a peachy keen suit like this other than the one and only Mr. Pitt?
In case you have been living under a rock you must know at this point, it's Brad's world and we simply inhabit it after all.
So seize the day and surrender the peach! Or some sh!t like that...
What's in your closet???
Brad on IMDb -
Monday, July 18, 2022
Monday Mood
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I Know What You Did Last Summer Do You??? |
For some reason of late the 1997 (damn! it's been that long ago?!) horror/slasher movie I Know What You Did Last Summer has been always on my mind.
It also sums up my Monday Mood...don't question me because I will never get into details as to why. Fluff up your pillow and know that life is but a waking dream.
Thus there you have it. Ambiguous and vague as it is.
Always remember and never forget.
Helen Shivers for President!!!
I Know What You Did Last Summer on IMDb -
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi Has Gas
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Gas Saber Ewan McGregor |
Look Minions it's Obi-Wan Kenobi aka Ewan McGregor gassing up his classic Porsche in Los Angeles. No doubt he's honing his Jedi skills for the May 27th premiere date of his self titled min-series Obi Wan Kenobi on Disney Plus.
Now that we got the plug out of the way, honestly I am feeling quite snarky and saw this shot of Ewan pumping gas and posted it mainly so I could write the byline about having gas. Oh, look I have achieved my mission. If I do nothing else with the rest of my day at least my goal has been set and completed.
How many of you can say that about your day? Let me know, I'm waiting...
Obi-Wan Kenobi on IMDb -
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Sunday Funday
Fatherly Advice Skeet Ulrich & Melissa Barrera |
Caught this behind the scenes photo of Skeet Ulrich and Melissa Barrera on the set of Scream having a Father/Daughter moment. Well sort of, Melissa plays Sam Carpenter who is the daughter of Skeet's psycho killer Billy Loomis from the original Scream.
Got it? Groovy! I assume at this point the bit of information contained above about the current Scream movie is not a spoiler, if it was my bad???
Anyway I love behind the scenes photos as they tell their own story and it's super duper fun to see the actors engaging with one another in between takes.
Hence Sunday Funday amusement for all, from me to you and the WWW to me. Do you follow? Of course you do...
Time to put on your best Sunday Ghostface!
Scream on IMDb -
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Gonna Tell My Nieces & Nephews This Was Fleetwood Mac
Flamingo Road Christina Raines, Howard Duff, Morgan Fairchild & Mark Harmon |
You've all seen them online people posting fun images saying they are going to tell the upcoming generation that they are someone other than they are. The thing about this is while it is amusing and often times funny it is also kind of an unfortunate commentary on how the Internet can pervert and twist the truth.
We've seen what that can do, politics anyone? Yeah, I thought not.
Which brings me to what this really is a nifty prime time soap called Flamingo Road that ran two years from 1980 - 1982.
Here's the 411: Based on the novel and 1949 film of the same name, this prime-time soap detailed the lives of haves and have-nots in the sleepy Southern hamlet Truro, Florida. The haves live in huge mansions on Flamingo Road, while the rest of the characters did anything (blackmail, murder, voodoo) to obtain that address as well.
The drama won over critics, but never got enough of an audience to stay on the air. Too bad, it's a personal favorite of mine and should have ran for at least the requisite five seasons so I and the others who loved it could still see it in syndication.
C'est La Vie!
PS despite certain misgivings about doing so, I'm still telling my Nieces & Nephews this was Fleetwood Mac. I like to have fun and know they are intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction.
Mic Drop!
Flamingo Road on IMDb -
Monday, December 14, 2020
Just Because...Colin Farrell
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Hobo Chic Colin Farrell |
Just Because it's Monday and we all need motivation, Just Because I'm in the mood for some Man Candy & Just Because we all need some levity and leering. It's time for some Colin Farrell, woot!
See Colin looking "So Fetch" dressed down and getting himself some, coffee, that is. What did you think I was going to say? Tell me, and tell me now. OK, fine be that way.
Moving on, Colin is the epitome of Pandemic dressed down chic is his reindeer pajama bottoms and tattered sweat shirt. Hey, who says some random, worn out items from your wardrobe thrown on with only comfort in mind can not be sexy. These days being and looking comfortable is pretty exciting on many levels.
Thus today, why don't you throw on whatever you damn well want and wear it in public and, well, strut!
Colin on IMDb -
Monday, July 20, 2020
Monday Motivation
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Color Me Inspired Jon Hamm |
Well I found it in the form of Jon Hamm in a t-shirt, shorts, mask and flip flops. How is that inspiring you may ask? Well it got my creative juices flowing if you get my drift, and I think you do...
Not everything that inspires me is adjacent to lust, but in this very moment, right here, right now that is what is doing the trick.
Hey tomorrow's inspiration could be a piece of art or a dog I see while out and about. Perhaps it will be another human being's act of kindness. That's the exciting thing about getting inspired you just never no where it's coming from, but it always does and often surprises.
Now if you'll excuse me, I got to go baste some Hamm
Jon on IMDb -
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
R.I.P. - Naya Rivera
Monday, July 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
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Sex on the Beach Christian Bale |
"Yes" this is just what I need to jump start my Monday (other than the tea I am currently drinking) - nothing like Christian Bale in and out of clothes. Heck he even made a rubber bat suit sexy.
Doesn't he look especially yummy in wet clingy clothes? I ask you? I'm asking you, answer me and answer me now! OK, be that way.
What's that you say? Christian isn't your thing? Well that's completely fine, it's OK if you have no taste, but here's a mission to motivate on this Monday then. Go out and find your own Man Candy to inspire you.
Yep, if this photo doesn't do it for you, well that's my response and I'm sticking to it.
Enjoy your week and get motivated!
Christian on IMDb -
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Just Because...Jon Hamm
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Who's Your Daddy? Jon Hamm |
Happy Father's Day to all of you Daddy's out there (now do you get why Jon is my poster guy for it???) - Anyway nothing beats a Hamm sighting in sweatpants, although it does not look like Jon is up to his freeballing ways from this shot. Which is a bummer, I know he got a lot of attention for it in the press when Mad Men was on the air. Perhaps he decided to tie the Kraken down to avoid the unwanted(?) focus it drew.
Whatever the case a nice casual photo of him out and about is always a welcome sight.
Seize the day Minions!
Jon on IMDb -
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Just Because...Pandemic Fashion
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Little Blue Dress Scarlett Johansson |
Just Because there is still a pandemic happening, Just Because it's Tuesday & Just Because she's Scarlett Johansson - it's time for some Pandemic Fashion!!!
Well OK, perhaps it's not really fashion, but look at Scarlett rock a simple blue print dress with a color coordinated mask. Hey, we gotta make the best of the situation, no?
Keeping it simple is sometimes the best way to go and can actually be more effective as a fashion statement than glam, especially during a warm Summery day in The Hamptons.
Thus take a cue from Scar-Jo and make your Summer of Pandemic fashionable.
Now to find my basic walking shorts and a simple yet stylish, Black T-Shirt...
Scarlett on IMDb -
Saturday, June 6, 2020
What Would Jason Sudeikis Do?
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Nice Shorts Jason Sudeikis |
Maybe not as thought provoking as the TV Show What Would You Do? Hosted by John Quinones, but hey Jason looks so sexy in his shorts and scruff, so I choose my basic instincts today.
It turns out Jason is headed out to his office in Silverlake, CA - Damn! Why don't you come up and see me sometime, stud?
Quarantine is giving me all sorts of feels this ayem. I need some kicks below that waistline, sunshine.
And now a word from out sponsor...
Mic Drop!
Jason on IMDb -
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Just Because...Raquel Welch
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She Wore An Isty Bitsy Teenie Weenie... Raquel Welch |
It's the outfit Ms. Welch wore with great protest and it is one of the most iconic images to ever come straight outta Hollywood. They really don't make stars like they used to and for some random reason visions of Raquel danced through my head while I was sitting at the computer drinking my morning tea.
Nobody does sexy and glamorous like our Lady Raquel. For the record I have screened 1,000,000 Years BC and might I suggest that taking in this image and leaving it at that as the better option?
Yeah, I went there...
Enjoy the view and TTFN!
Raquel on IMDb:
Monday, February 24, 2020
Monday Motivation
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I'm Bad! Cameron Diaz |
While I toil away the hours memorizing for a test. "Yes" that's correct minions yours truly is storing info in his computer brain via text. Thus it made me think about teachers and such. The good ones, not the bad ones, but whilst ruminating on the good ones Bad Teacher popped into my consciousness. Because it was funny, Cameron Diaz was great in it & even the lamest of teachers can teach you a lesson. They make the good ones stand out.
Being as that our public education system is under fire I would like to give a hat tip and a high five to all those teachers who care. I had a few of them and they really shaped certain aspects of who I am today. I can only hope kids now have the same kind of caring individuals I did to help guide them.
Oh "Yes" I had a a couple of teachers I would have liked to wish into the corn field, and some that did their job but were not particularly inspiring. But you take the good you take the average and try to laugh at the bad, copy?
Anyway it's the good teachers that are giving me life and Monday Motivation today. Thanks for the kick in the ass to keep on keeping, and werk!
Bad Teacher on IMDb -
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Just Because...Christina Hendricks
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Streets of Fire! Christina Hendricks |
Just Because I am a big fan of the show Mad Men, Just Because she looks fabulous & Just Because she is painting the town red, here's Christina Hendricks on the streets of NYC!!!
While I believe they ended the show Mad Men when the should of, with what I thought was a brilliant series finale. I still lament the fact that it's gone. I loved it so much!
All of the characters were so interesting, even if they weren't particularly likable.
Christina Hendricks portrayed one of my faves Joan Holloway. "Joanie" as she was often referred to on the show, was well dare I say it, always the smartest person in the room. She was in control of who she was and pretty much controlled everyone else. She knew how to leverage her considerable sex appeal to her advantage, while still maintaining her dignity.
Not things were not always smooth sailing for "Joanie" she always managed to keep herself together.
I wonder how "Joanie" would navigate today's world, being as it is way different. I believe she was the type of woman who would know how to work any situation in any time and place. Thus she would handle today's world like an expert, business as usual, carry on.
Mad Men on IMDb -
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
By The Sea
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Reunited Jon Hamm & Elisabeth Moss |
The Time: 2020 Film Independent Spirit Awards
The People in Question: Jon Hamm & Elisabeth Moss
Whilst having lunch with a friend at the LA County Museum of Art the other day, the subject of the TV show Mad Men came up. We both admitted our love of it, and lamented it's demise.
Then the WWW heavens opened wide and bestowed this photo of Don Draper & Peggy Olson - Jon Hamm & Elisabeth Moss respectively.
If you watched the show weekly like I did you know Peggy was Don's protegee at the advertising agency where they worked. "Yes" they had an unusually close bond, "No" they did not sleep together, although everyone assumes they did.
Now that the record has been set straight, I feverishly seek out Mad Men marathons on U-verse whenever possible. "Yep" I'm that guy...seize the day!
Mad Men on IMDb -
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas!
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Santa Baby Marilyn Monroe |
That's correct I'm a giver, tis the season.
Have a holly jolly Christmas, now sit on my lap, and listen to Marilyn after the jump!
MM on IMDb -