Did You Hear The One About 45??? Melania Trump & Barack Obama |
Just Because it's Earth Day, Just Because of good vibes only & Just Because smiling is contagious. Here is the image that has set the Internet a buzz, Barack Obama & Melania Trump sitting next to each other at former First Lady Barbara Bush's funeral.
This is the happiest one has seen the current "First Lady" publicly in a looooooong time. I guess it took a funeral for that to happen. OK, you get what I mean by that, I hope.
Suffice it to say my main reason for posting this is it made me smile. It is a quite charming image that was very unexpected. "Yes" I like to be disarmed in positive ways.
Which begs the question what did Obama say to her to put such a genuine look of happiness on the always stoic Mrs. Trump's face?
Start the speculation flying by filling in your own blank here _________ ....
Go green, or go home - Happy Earth Day!
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