Who's Your Leather Daddy Zombie?
Michael Shinafelt |
"For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the thriller" - Vincent Price, Michael Jackson's Thriller
Being this is my last column before
Halloween I made an executive decision to try to make this a horrific experience for you ghouls.
The hardest part of that decision was what kind of a
Halloween image of myself to post. I've exhausted my take on
Satan, sent in my
clowns one too many times. Bingo! I got it. With
The Walking Dead having premiered last week I decided to
Zombie myself by using the photo of taken of moi as a
Leather Daddy Vampire when I was on the
Here TV show
"The Lair" and transforming myself into a
Leather Daddy Zombie.
Cheers to all you
Walking Dead fans of which I am not one.
Zombies don't really put a tingle in my spine, but I would always be up to play one, moving on down into the ground...
Mark Wahlberg: God does not forgive one for showing a prosthetic penis
Brian Moylan over at
Vulture does the best recaps of
American Horror Story IMHOP on the WWW They are insightful, not to mention witty. Don't believe me here is a link to his coverage of this week's episode:
Congratulations to
Mike Clifford who wrapped the video and laid the track for his rendition of
The Christmas Song landing November 15th - you know
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire"...visit Mike here:
Rick Springfield,
Rick Springfield,
Rick Springfield on
American Horror Story: Cult. If you saw it, you get it.
It is with great sadness that I announce that
Myself &
Maresa Wickham were the death of
"hard" in Jessica's spin class at Gold's Gym Hollywood...
Do you buy all your murder weapons at
Home Depot? God you're butch
Taco Bell crispy chicken quesadilla, it really is as disgustingly good as it looks!
WTF am I doing for
Halloween? Why hitting Santa Monica Blvd. in
West Hollywood, CA like I do every year with my buddy
Scott Jacobs in tow. Tradition Rulz!
Gotta love auto-correct. It told my niece
Shauna Waters I
"banged" Freeform's
The Bold Type recently instead of
"binged" it. Disturbing.
Pumpkin Carving 101 |
Now that is how you carve a pumpkin!
"October's awesome because you can buy a cart full of candy, tons of alcohol, a hockey mask, a chainsaw, and 54 industrial sized trash bags and the cashier won't even look at you weird" - Krista Allen
Halloween costume recommends? A turban and some make-up
"I am the pumpkin king!" - Jack Skellington, The Nightmare Before Christmas
Recently I saw Halloween II was on AMC. Nostalgia set in to see Jamie Lee Curtis square off with Michael Myers in a horror movie from my youth. It turned out to be the Rob Zombie version. Yes, I felt like Charlie Brown "I got a rock."