Showing posts with label Unreal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unreal. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Michael's Musings

The New Black???
Michael Shinafelt
This past week has been a "Stormy" one - get it? wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Pretty much every week is of late. 

Seriously with Easter falling on April Fools Day this weekend I feel so conflicted. Do I hunt for eggs or pull a rabbit out of my butt?

It's time to make a decision, and whatever you do make it yours!

What he said -
"The Stormy Daniels story isn't about Trump having an affair with a porn star. That's not news. It is about his campaign trying to threaten, intimidate and illegally use campaign funds to buy her silence just weeks before the election. Don't let the lurid details overshadow this." - George Takei

I licked it, so it's mine

Started doing an abs class on top of spinning, yoga & boxing - what a feeling!

How much wood can Wesley Woods chuck?

#fashioncompassion "Dear @StormyDaniels, I can only imagine how stressful things must be for you right now. Fashion shouldn’t be one of them. Let me know if you need a sleek ensemble. @teampinup @Laura_Byrnes" - Traci Lords

Hey Shakira, you don't have a monopoly on hips that don't lie

Sometimes I wonder...what? You thought I was going to tell you what that was???

Just saw that someone bit Beyonce, all I want to know is, how did she taste?

Renewed & It Feels So Good
Toni Trucks
A "beep beep" to my spin buddy and one of the stars of CBS' Seal Team, Toni Trucks for it getting picked up for season two

Is there anybody out there?

Unreal on Lifetime really lives up to it's title, I mean that in a good way

I have the hots for Teddi Mellencamp's husband Edwin on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Will someone finally reveal "who let the dogs out?!"

And now for my next trick...

Cut loose, Footloose with me at:

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Michael's Musings

I Get My Kicks Below The Waistline, Sunshine
Michael Shinafelt
"I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine" - Murray Head, One Night in Bangkok 

The 80's hit One Night in Bangkok came to mind this week, Thus I juxtaposed the lyrics to caption my photo and then presented the actual ones.

Why? Well because the sentiments are two contrasting extremes and life is about balance. Like everyone some of my kicks are mental while others are physical. 

But when mental and physical connect it's spectacular. In case you were wondering if that's something I have, why "yes" it is. If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

It's so bizarre, the floating chicken...

Lindsey Elding was poisoned by Smurfs

One of my favorite things is random people smiling at me when I walk down the street

Where will you be when the homegirl bounces again?

Olivia Pope has really turned savage on Scandal

Looking forward to Season 3 of Unreal premiering on Lifetime February 26th

Giving zero fux about the second coming of American Idol

The DNA results show that you're a twat
The Swimsuit Edition
Gerard Butler
I want to be reincarnated as Gerard Butler's swimsuit

Am I the only one who doesn't care about Kylie Jenner's baby?

Morgan Stewart rulz on E! News' Daily Pop 

Say something ludicrous to me and see what happens

Truth or Dare?

Love me, hate me, say what you want about me at: