Friday, May 24, 2024

The Merry, Merry Month Of May...

Justify This!

"Hey, they say that a stitch in time saves nine, They say I better stop or I'll go blind" - She Bop, Cyndi Lauper

Tis the Merry, Merry Month Of May! Do you know why it's so merry? Well I'll give you some hints. Cyndi Lauper is singing about it in the her song She Bop (think about the lyrics above, but not too much) 

Madonna has simulated it in concert and in the image above. "Yes" May is a month long worldwide celebration of the big "M" 

Now I'm not going to expand on what the big "M" is. Not because I am uncomfortable saying it, because it's more fun to be somewhat subtle and cryptic.

In case you still don't get it, here is a link to Planned Parenthood below to spell it out for you...

TGIF! Celebrate!

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