#TBT: I Wanna Be A Cowboy
Michael Shinafelt |
That time I had a fantasy about being a member of the Village People. Want me to ride you like a cowboy? After all isn't the Wild, Wild, West the state of the union???
Buckle up it's going to be a humpy ride!
When your special guy says he has Beyonce's booty, what do you do???.
I do what my Bluetooth tells me
This is my life, this is my jam
Had a delightful time with Quinn Robinson @ Akbar last night. What happens there, is like a unicorn
Andy Samberg reacts to being called a sex symbol - well here's mine: Someone actually said that?! If that person is you, seek help!
FYI - I was on Brooklyn 99 once
Total Bellas = Total Entertain Me
R.I.P. Carol Channing aka "Dolly"
Someday I'm gonna wish your ass into the corn field
A Haiku - I'll leave you empty/Spent, and aching. All your glorious evidence/Held safely behind/The vault of my lips/And aren't you happy
Suddenly I have an uncontrollable urge to - "Yes" it's time to play Name That Urge
Name it after me, I'm sure you already have. If not let's talk
Royal Baby Buggy Bumpers
Blah, Blah, Blah
Things that are best raw
On that provocative note, you know where to find me at: