Thursday, December 26, 2019

Michael's Musings

You, Light Up My Life...
Michael Shinafelt
Christmas 2019 is officially over, did you survive? I'm guessing you did since you are reading this. My day was rather low key, lot's of phone calls and texts from friends & family. A delicious steak quesadilla from the Mexican place down the street, and I finally watched Boy Erased with Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe. Yeah, there's that, time to put this Holiday to rest!

It's all fun and games until you start licking on the Lady Fingers

Best Byline via The Daily Beast: "The "CATS" Movie is a Boring Disaster Filled With Joyless Pussies"

That felt like an exotic diaper

Did I mention I got a Michael Myers blanket for my Birthday? Now I have.

Loved the movie Bombshell

Always remember you can't eat the Bluebird of Happiness

Get those trousers off boy, don't be a sissy 😮

Dear Sarah Hukabee, Continuing to be mother of the year teaching your kids to mock someone with a speech impediment. I hope you get diarrhea.

Woman Crush of the Week - Nicole Kidman for wearing this suit to the Bombshell premiere and for her performance in Boy Erased.

Tweet it, just Tweet it!

People actually watch the Hallmark Channel?!

How does Jesus take a bath if he walks on water?

OK Boomer

If you are having a bad day know you probably deserve it

There's no business like my business at:   

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Santa Baby
Marilyn Monroe
Hey Ho, Ho, Ho's Merry Christmas. Santa Daddy is taking some down time today. Thus he leaves you with the amazing Marilyn Monroe crooning her rendition of Santa Baby for your Holiday gift.

That's correct I'm a giver, tis the season.

Have a holly jolly Christmas, now sit on my lap, and listen to Marilyn after the jump!

MM on IMDb -  

Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday Motivation

Special Delivery
Hugh Jackman
OK, it's almost here, the Big "C" draws nigh...and you know what's on my mind? Indulging in Holiday Cheer while still honoring all the hard work I put into my body and not letting it all go to waste.

So who better to inspire us to that mind set than Hugh Jackman. With a mere two days to go behold, unto you Monday Motivation is bestowed in the form of The Jackman! Because, well, he's jacked.

While I pretty sure my body will never reach the heights of what his has. Mr. Jackman does inspire and motivate nonetheless.

He has a great upper body, which is my problem area. I have obtained bigger arms of late and am regaining some of the ab definition I lost when I was laid up for four months post surgery. Hugh is motivating me to stay focused.

Not to mention he has a package for all of you on this last Monday before Christmas. It's in plain view and what a nice view it is, if you get my drift (I think you do.)

Time to MM minions!

Hugh on IG -  

Sunday, December 22, 2019

3 More Days...

Muskrat Love?
Kristin Cavalarri & Jay Cutler 
Yep only three more days, if you have to ask until what, then I guess you must be living under a reindeer. Thus I thought we would celebrate today with the too cute for Christmas Couple Kristin Cavalarri & Jay Cutler.

With the Season 3 premiere of Very Cavalarri looming on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 9 p.m. ET, I thought perfect because commerce is part of what Christmas is all about. Don't pretend it isn't minions. 

Now that we got that our of the way, moving on, forward never backward, especially not sideways.

Other than the commercial tie in, this shot of the couple made visions of the video for the song Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses dance in my head. If you aren't familiar that's what YouTube is for.

So now that I have some sort of Holiday feels, I guess I should think about spreading some Holiday Cheer. "Yes" it's time to Ho, Ho, Ho!

Kristin on IG -

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Just Because...Margot Robbie

Hello Gorgeous
Margot Robbie
Just Because...I don't wanna Christmas, Just Because...Her hot buzz film Bombshell opened this weekend & Just Because...I am one of her fans, that's correct Minions - Heeeeere's Margot Robbie.

Margot was snapped in a snazzy navy blue dress entering the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show in Hollywood. I think she could wear potato sack and make it look good.

Obviously she was promoting Bombshell which just opened this weekend. A film which I intend to take in either today or tomorrow depending on how things go with my schedule.

I have been a fan of Robbie ever since I saw her excellent work as Tonya Harding in I, Tonya. What's that? "Yes" I know she had done other films before that, and while I had heard of her, as well as them. I have never viewed any of her work prior. 

Moving on, I hope you have a Bombshell free day, unless it's at the movies!

Margot on IG -

Friday, December 20, 2019

Film Buff Friday: Betty - They Say I'm Different

Betty: They Say I'm Different
Before Beyoncé, Madonna and Prince - there was Betty Davis

"Astonishing and tantalising" - The Wire

Arriving on DVD on January 17th via MVD Entertainment Group

Funk Queen Betty Davis changed the landscape for female artists in America. She "was the first..." as former husband Miles Davis said. "Madonna before Madonna, Prince before Prince". 

An aspiring songwriter from a small steel town, Betty arrived on the 70's scene to break boundaries for women with her daring personality, iconic fashion and outrageous funk music. She befriended Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone, wrote songs for the Chambers Brothers and the Commodores, and married Miles - startlingly turning him from jazz to funk on the album she named "Bitches Brew". 

She then, despite being banned and boycotted, went on to become the first black woman to perform, write and manage herself. Betty was a feminist pioneer, inspiring and intimidating in a manner like no woman before. Then suddenly - she vanished. 

Creatively blending documentary and animation, Betty - They Say I'm Different traces the path of Betty's life, how she grew from humble upbringings to become a fully self-realized black female pioneer the world failed to understand or appreciate. 

After years of trying, the elusive Betty, forever the free-spirited Black Power Goddess, finally allowed the filmmakers to creatively tell her story based on their conversations.

Bonus Materials
- Director Interview: Phil Cox on the making of Betty - They Say I'm Different
- Interview Extract with Betty Davis