Hello 2018
Michael Shinafelt |
As I sit here on the first full day of 2018 in Los Angeles, CA I am wondering what wisdom one can impart this New Year's Day?
The quote I used for today's byline: "Be Bold, Be Brave" is how I live my life everyday no matter what. It's my mantra, and passing it on to you was what I thought I could do today.
This is something everyone has in them and that they should strive for, nothing is worse than a life half lived due to fear. Take it from someone who has been there and done that. Change is possible if you want it bad enough. Life is one of those things that you get back what you put into it.
On that note I hope all of you had a happy & safe New Year's Eve and this post finds you in the most festive of moods.
What did I do? Well I can't disclose that completely but let's just say it involved a visit from my favorite witch and...
Happy 2018 Minions!
Keep up with me this, and every year at: