Showing posts with label Thin Mints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thin Mints. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Michael's Musings

Look Closer
Michael Shinafelt
Many of my friends who are fans of the show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have posed this question to me since episode one: "Why is Denise Richards on the show?" 

Then a along came Penis-gate, and her giving zero F#cks attitude about her wedding to Aaron Phypers. That's correct minions Denise is on the show to make the rest of the women look trivial and annoying IMHO. Denise is there to teach them, not to mention the rest of us, life is too short to accentuate the negative have fun and let the good times roll! So, what are we waiting for, time to roll and rock...!!!

Life is a parade of absurdities and pain, and then we die, alone, in filth. So, yes, little girl I shall buy a box of Thin Mints.

That time in spin class when my Whore and my Toy didn't show. That's correct I was a Toyless Whore 😟

Check your panda 

According to an online game my Metal Band name is: Crucified C#nt Muffin Witch

Need proof Karma exists? I present you Wendy Williams

I know tongue talk

Cherry's my favorite

What's up hoes?

Drive by Lesbian moment, discuss

Colin Farrell, Colin Farrell, Colin Farrell

Put a little lust in your heart 

I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a _______ fill in that blank, I dare ya!

Dumbo opens tomorrow 

The Ides of March are winding down 

Spring forward with me to April won't you at:  

Monday, February 12, 2018

Thin Mints???

Cookie Monster
Jennifer Garner
Would you buy some Thin Mints from this woman?! "Yes" that's Jennifer Garner shucking Girl Scout cookies outside of grocery store and pimping them out on her Instagram account with the caption:

“Why yes, kind sir, we do have Thin Mints"

Oh really? I myself prefer the Tagalong cookies.

Whatever. I am sure the troop aided and abetted by Ms. Garner killed their competition sales wise.

Hey, that's what a celebrity Mom is for damn it!

Now about those Tagalongs...

Jennifer on Instagram: