Thursday, July 1, 2021

Michael's Musings

Whatever Makes Your Soul Happy, Do That
Michael Shinafelt

Well it's been an interesting last week to say the least. Rather than engage too much in things that I can not control I have been going with the mantra mentioned above: "Whatever makes your soul happy, do that"

That for me means focusing on myself and what I want. Currently that is getting back into my pre-pandemic shape, lots of low key activities with friends and flowers (as you can see.) That's correct Minions this week, find your bliss damn it!

Size Matters, no one wants a small glass of wine...

It has come to my attention your talents are underused in the finger painting realm

Watched the KISS bio on A&E, "Yes" it was interesting & entertaining, I recommend it

Did you know "Naomi" spelled backwards is "I Moan?" Well you do now

Quote of the Week "We live in a world where Britney Spears has people controlling her uterus, but Bill Cosby is free. Got it." - Randi Mayem Singer

Also, I'm surprised "Bye Phylicia" wasn't trending on Twitter yesterday

If you ask me the Devil has been working overtime and needs a vacation

Better to say nothing about the news kind of days is now a lifestyle

Woman Crush of the Week - Happy Birthday to the OG Debbie Harry!

Love is in the hair...think about it, but not too much

All I've ever done is be a bad ass

We the people said #FreeBritney - Not Cosby

Kathy Hilton for the win #RHOBH

So, what are you cooking tonight???

Find out what I'm serving here:

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hump Day & Chill

Charlize Theron

Pride Month officially ends today, but that doesn't mean we should stop celebrating the most important element of it all - LOVE.

That's correct Minions today we are going to Hump Day & Chill to L-O-V-E and Charlize Theron is sharing the love loud and proud on her T-Shirt along with a rainbow colored tutu. 

Charlize says Pride is an annual tradition for her family: “I try to always get my family to go and support, and these people live in my community and I love them, and so whenever I can support or be of support, of course I would be there,”

There you have it peeps love is love, now get out there and celebrate the last day of Pride with a good ole Hump Day & Chill by spreading that love and them some...

Happy Pride Month!

Pride on Wikipedia -   

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Pride: Call Me By Your Name

Kissing Strangers
Lil Nas X

OK, let's call this Pride Month post, prior to D-Day: important. How can we not acknowledge Lil Nas X's groundbreaking performance on the BET Awards of Call Me By Your Name? I ask you? As per usual I don't expect an answer. Moving on...

Lil Nas X IMHO is one of the greatest artists/performers of all time, it doesn't matter if he's gay, but this is Pride Month y'all. So yeah, there's that. 

So let us worship at his altar, yeah that's extreme, but what the F#ck isn't these days?

Lil Nas X is of the moment and what the world needs right here, right now, and always moving forward. Never straight. 

He puts the "ride" in Pride and then some. 

Keep on keeping dude, you are amazing! We will always "Remember The Time" we first saw this!!!

Check out his provocative performance at the BET Awards below. Get your Nas on!

Nas on IG -    

Monday, June 28, 2021

Fox(y) Lady

The Proud "B"
Megan Fox

Hello Minions, we are officially in the dog days of Pride Month. This is not an excuse to discontinue celebrating.

Thus today we commemorate the last Monday of Pride Month with a Foxy Lady. Ms. Megan Fox to be exact.

Megan recently took to Instagram and posted the above photo with the caption: Putting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades 🌈🌈 @moveon @intoactionus #pride

Yeah, in case you didn't know Megan Fox is openly bi-sexual.

She is also one cool person.

PS Jennifer's Body rules!

Megan on IG -

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Stand By You

As Pride Month winds down the celebration continues, yay!!! Friday was the debut of Miley Cyrus' Stand By You on Peacock. Stand By You is a concert put on by Cyrus and friends to celebrate what else? Pride, naturally. I viewed this amazing show last night.

Miley as we all know is an ally who is also a member of the LGBTQ community. 

While I do not review things in this space, and am not about to begin doing so right here, right now, I will go into this stating that I am a fan of Cyrus'. Her voice and expert showmanship are top notch, and let's just say this concert does not disappoint. Please refer to my out of the gate "amazing" comment if you have any questions about how I actually feel 😉 

It's uplifting, moving and most of all first class entertainment. Thus as Pride Month comes to a close this is a must add to your list of things to do in celebration of it.

Tell Miley: Michael Shinafelt sent you!

Check out Stand By You here:   

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday Sinema: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

In honor of Pride Month I wanted to share one of my favorite Classic Movies with you. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof starring Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor.

The movie is based on the brilliant play by Tennessee Williams who happens to be gay and filled his prolific works with gay subtext. While a watered down version of William's actual text, the film version of Cat still contains this subtext, it's simply not as direct as the play.

Another reason? Paul Newman, a classic Movie Star in every sense of the word. Basically a male specimen to behold and those baby blues of his...

Have I whetted your appetite? I'm sure I have. So let's saunter over to my friend Jay Jacobson's Classic Movie Blog where you will get all the 411 and behind the scenes dirt on this piece of Hollywood History.

Love is Love!

Friday, June 25, 2021


Eyes Wide Open
Sarah Paulson & Madonna

Remember When Harry Met Sally? Well today we have When Sarah Met Madonna as in Sarah Paulson at the 2017 Met Gala.

The result? One of the best photobombs ever!

Sarah's expression says it all, she is clearly seeing a person she admires and is a fan of. The look on her face is priceless.

Hey, Madonna in an amazing Moschino camo gown and net inspired shawl will do that to a hardcore fan like Paulson.

May someone look at you the way Sarah looked at Madonna today.


Photobomb on Wikipedia -