Monday, August 3, 2020

Monday Motivation

Surfer Guy
Liam Hemsworth

Hello from the land down under, I have always had a thing for Surfer Guys. No, I don't surf myself. Why? I have a fear of sharks, and the ocean in general. 

Today"s Monday Motivation comes in the form of yummy Liam Hemsworth hitting the waves in Byron Bay, Australia. Hence the down under greeting.

So, since I have admitted even though like Surfer Guys that I don't surf, nor have I ever tried, today's Monday Motivation is to try something new. No, it does not have to be as dramatic as surfing, it can be a small gesture such as taking a new route on your walk to the grocery store, or perhaps riding the bike you haven't been on in a while.

Nothing too fancy is required of my MM challenge other than just do something or try something different than your usual routine. We are all going somewhat stir crazy at present I assume and an action, no matter how small, can change it up and put a whole different spin on your day.

So go out there and seize the day Minions!

Liam on IG -

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