Alright Euphoria fans, like me. Last night's episode was amazing, as per usual. One of the best of a show that is already the best.
Not sure how many of you out there remember the nighttime drama Dynasty, not the reboot currently running on the CW, I am talking the original one from the 80's.
Why am I asking? Well I am assuming you are viewing the very clever piece of pop culture that Internet artist Ronald McDonkey did above of Cassie and Maddy. Well to truly appreciate it you need to be familiar with, well, the original Dynasty.
Ronald's take casts Cassie as Crystal (Linda Evans) and Maddy as Alexis (Joan Collins) from it. Crystal and Alexis were arch rivals. Now I bet you are getting the concept of it, if you hadn't already.
"Yes" Ronald McDonkey does some really cool stuff, and this piece in particular really nails it!
Happy Presidents' Day!
Ronald McDonkey on IG -