Whatever Makes Your Soul Happy, Do That Michael Shinafelt |
Well it's been an interesting last week to say the least. Rather than engage too much in things that I can not control I have been going with the mantra mentioned above: "Whatever makes your soul happy, do that"
That for me means focusing on myself and what I want. Currently that is getting back into my pre-pandemic shape, lots of low key activities with friends and flowers (as you can see.) That's correct Minions this week, find your bliss damn it!
Size Matters, no one wants a small glass of wine...
It has come to my attention your talents are underused in the finger painting realm
Watched the KISS bio on A&E, "Yes" it was interesting & entertaining, I recommend it
Did you know "Naomi" spelled backwards is "I Moan?" Well you do now
Quote of the Week "We live in a world where Britney Spears has people controlling her uterus, but Bill Cosby is free. Got it." - Randi Mayem Singer
Also, I'm surprised "Bye Phylicia" wasn't trending on Twitter yesterday
If you ask me the Devil has been working overtime and needs a vacation
Better to say nothing about the news kind of days is now a lifestyle
Woman Crush of the Week - Happy Birthday to the OG Debbie Harry!
Love is in the hair...think about it, but not too much
All I've ever done is be a bad ass
Kathy Hilton for the win #RHOBH
So, what are you cooking tonight???
Find out what I'm serving here: