Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Motivation

Love her or hate her Taylor Swift is a talented young woman. She also gave my favorite Monday Motivation this week.

This is something I learned a long time ago and it is quite a powerful place to be. Once I understood Ms. Swift's comment I found easy to dismiss anything negative stated about me by a casual observer.

Recently I encountered some harassment along these lines of a certain someone who kept telling me a basic bold faced lie about who I was. I finally said to them: "What you say to me doesn't bother me because I know it isn't true. It's the fact that you keep saying it that's annoying me."

Succinct to the point and really what was being said wasn't the problem because I am confident and secure in myself, it was the repetitive factor, I was bored hearing it over and over every chance this individual got.

Thus this Monday and times infinity I be on Team Taylor & Michael - trust me, it's a winning one!

Taylor on IG -   

Sunday, August 27, 2023

And Just Like That...Kim Cattrall

Samantha Jones I Presume
Kim Cattrall

Well the much hyped return of Samantha Jones on And Just Like That has come and, but not gone you can stream it as many times infinity as you like on MAX.

Kim Cattrall sparkled and really made me (and a legion of others) realize how much the character of Samantha is missed from the ensemble. It also makes one realize how much better the show would be with her back on it.

But alas it is not meant to be, or is it? Time will tell as And Just Like that has been renewed for season three. With the ongoing Writer's Guild and SAG/AFTRA strike who knows when the ladies will return, but And Just Like That they'll be back.

On a final note to those who bought into the the hyperbole that Cattrall got paid a million dollars for her cameo, get real. It's called publicity people.  While I'm not sure what she did get paid, I'm here to tell you if 100% was not a million big ones.

And Just Like That my work is done, Michael has left the building...

And Just Like That on IG -  

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Behind The Scenes

Tim Burton & Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger who portrayed Vicki Vale in one of the original Comic Book based blockbusters Batman posted this image on Instagram of Director Tim Burton, well directing her on the set.  Personally I love seeing what goes on behind the scenes before the cameras start rolling, it fascinates me.

She wrote what it was like working with him on it, oh and it was also to wish him a Happy Birthday! Here in here own word is what Ms. Basinger wrote:

Many know Tim as a creative genius… a master artist… and they are right, of course! But what I always remember are his drawings… how they inspired and amused me…

When I’d find myself sitting next to him on set, I would look over and see him doodling in his script… At that moment, I felt like a small child… walking into an amusement park like none that has ever been created…. Magical… Fantastical… I could feel my eyes growing bigger as I watched him draw these characters in his script…

Being on set with him was a lot like watching one of his own characters... As we exchanged ideas and I got direction from him……. Was like a surrealistic journey in so many ways… Too many to mention here! One of the most meaningful and fun films of my life….. The memories will stay with me forever.

Just another boy from Burbank? I don’t think so! Wishing you the best birthday Tim… wherever you are… whatever you’re doing…. Much love ✨

Happy Saturday!

Kim on IG -

Friday, August 25, 2023

Tra la la, tra la la, la...

Guess what day it is Minions? It's National Banana Split Day, Yay! While I am sure said day is referring to the ice cream concoction with bananas this is what I think of when I hear it, The Banana Splits!

For those of you who aren't familiar here is the 411:  Each show represented a meeting of the Banana Splits Club, and the wraparounds featured the adventures of the club members, a musical quartet meant to be reminiscent of the Monkees. The Splits' segments, including songs of the week and comedy skits, served as wraparounds for a number of individual segments.

Not to be confused with the 2019 horror movie based on these lovable goofs that made them homicidal. Although that was fun in it's own right, the original show that aired on Saturday mornings will always be the real deal for me.

So imbibe in an actual banana split today or watch The Banana Splits, the choice is yours to make. Choose wisely grasshopper.

National Banana Split Day on the WWW - 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Michael's Musings

Did You Ever Wonder If The Person In The Window Is Real,
And You're Just A Reflection Of Him?
Michael Shinafelt

The photo taken above was spontaneous, on my walk home from lunch at one of my local haunts. It has a dream like quality to it, that got curiouser and curiouser as I viewed it and it made me think about perceptions of the world around us and how there is so much more than what meets the eye. 

I feel like I have gone down the Rabbit Hole on an journey that is sure to be amazing. Join me won't you??? Here we go...

Saw Asteroid City last night, it resonated internally, not sure I can explain it, but I thought it was lovely

Everyone has that one friend that turns every conversation into something dirty. I am that friend.

I found puppets living in my apartment walls, the more you know

Brian Sonia-Wallace is an excellent poet. He performed at Planet Queer this past Tuesday, completely amazing!!!

What's the comparative superlative form of tw@t?

Binged both seasons of Yellowjackets - season one was good, not sure what happened with season two, help me understand!

Those who eat the Devil's corn, will choke on his cob - can I get an Amen???

Of course your opinion matters...Just not to me.

Woman Crush of the Week - Scarlett Johansson for her beautiful portrayal of Midge Campbell in Asteroid City

Jessie J's Masterpiece is one of the best Pop songs ever, that's all

Gossip Girl Quote: I haven't been this bored since I believed in Jesus 🤣🤣🤣

MAGA = My Ass Got Arrested 

Prince's Darling Nikki is playing on a loop in my head currently

I have no agenda today other than to live in the moment and go with the flow

Flow moment to moment with me here -    

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Hump Day & Chill

Having A Kiki
Jason, Ghostface & Freddy

This photo of three icons of horror is awesome, whoever created it deserves a four screams and a machete.

I titled this photo, how could I not? Thus today we are going to Hump Day & Chill to what I call: Scream It's Friday On Elm Street. 

Now the beauty of this weeks Hump Day & Chill is I'm sure we can all come up with a clever title for a photo that features Jason, Freddy & Ghostface.

"Yes" it's an interactive HD&C for all you horror fans out there, like myself.

So get to it you ghouls and send me those clever titles that I know you can all think of, right here, right now...

1,2 Freddy's coming for you and he's bringing Jason and Ghostface along for extra Hump Day & Chill terror!!!

Horror Film on Wikipedia - 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


I Got No Spots

Behold the rarest of the rare, a Spotless Giraffe born at a Tennessee Zoo. It is believed to currently be the only anywhere on the planet.

The last time one was recorded as being born was in 1972 in Tokyo.  

Well Brights Zoo is currently looking to give their new bundle of joy a name. They are holding a contest on their Facebook page. If you would like to "give her a name" I have included the link at the end of this post to do so.

You all might be wondering why I posted about a giraffe. Because it's rare and my Mom who passed away not too long ago loved giraffes and would have enjoyed seeing this photo. 

I remember when we went to the Los Angeles Zoo when she visited once and we watched the giraffes for many minutes she was captivated by them.

Wanna "give her a name?" Hit the link below -