Love her or hate her Taylor Swift is a talented young woman. She also gave my favorite Monday Motivation this week.
This is something I learned a long time ago and it is quite a powerful place to be. Once I understood Ms. Swift's comment I found easy to dismiss anything negative stated about me by a casual observer.
Recently I encountered some harassment along these lines of a certain someone who kept telling me a basic bold faced lie about who I was. I finally said to them: "What you say to me doesn't bother me because I know it isn't true. It's the fact that you keep saying it that's annoying me."
Succinct to the point and really what was being said wasn't the problem because I am confident and secure in myself, it was the repetitive factor, I was bored hearing it over and over every chance this individual got.
Thus this Monday and times infinity I be on Team Taylor & Michael - trust me, it's a winning one!
Taylor on IG -