Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Current Mood

Alfred Hitchcock's

"We all go a little mad sometimes" - Norman Bates, Psycho

Norman Bates got this right. Sometimes we all DO go a little mad. If you are in that place then join me there as it's a Current Mood thing.

Come with me to the other side and let's descend into madness. Eat the madness and when you are done spit it back out! It's the circle of life after all. 

Madness happens from time to time that's all you need to know. 

Don't fight it, simply flow with it. It's all about in how you handle the ride.

Psycho on IMDb -


Monday, September 23, 2024

Heading Into The Week Like...

It's Me!
Michael Shinafelt

Here I am Mike on a bike heading into the week with determination and energy! 

FYI I dislike being called Mike for the record, but I have definitely got some more mojo than usual. Why? I don't question everything I just go with it.

Also when you have that something extra no matter how or why, you can use it to serve yourself any way you want, so really again why question it. Seriously!

Thus I am looking forward to how the week will unfold, and refold. 

It's going to be totally different head.

Get on your bicycle ride!

Follow my adventures here -


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fall Is In The Air

As we approach the first day of Fall tomorrow I feel more myself. You see Fall is my favorite season of the year.

It's a time for renewal and perspective. Not to mention pleasant weather with pretty leaves.

There is only one constant that is a part of who I am no matter what season it is. "Yes" I pretty much always rely on my basic black wardrobe.

Black goes with everything and it slims you in case you have put on a few extra lbs. 

Paint it black, Minions!!!

Black on Wikipedia -


Friday, September 20, 2024

"That's A Human Ear"

Kyle MacLachlan
Blue Velvet

I recently rewatched Blue Velvet for the first time since it came out when I was in college. As a person in his 50's I now realize how darkly funny the film is here is an example of this...

"Did You Hear Anything?" "Bits And Pieces"

Jeffrey is seeing Sandy for the first time since what seems like high school. Jeffrey is eager to learn more about the ear he found in the field, and Sandy reveals that her bedroom is right above the office of her detective father. Their banter over this results in some subtle puns which aren't acknowledged in the film may merit a chuckle from the audience.

I know I laughed a lot revisiting this classic!

Blue Velvet on Wikipedia -

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Michael's Musings

Which One Will I Be Today???
Michael Shinafelt

We all have different sides to us, mine are "Cute" and "Savage" - which one of these sides do you think I spend the most time with during any given week? FYI you don't have to choose one or the other ya know, by combining the two you can make many good memories. Trust me...😈

As a person my country is the whole world, that's all.

Never be scared to cut certain people off. They weren't scared to give you a reason

Time to start letting people know what you think. That should eliminate the weak.

I don't need a ticket I'm just going to get on board the Soul Train

Saw The Perfect Couple on Netflix - very entertaining with some great off the wall moments

FYI I am the Pumpkin King! (think about it, but not too much) Only 42 days until Halloween!!!

Saw a quote by some "conservative" that he believes Taylor Swift if a full bown witch. I'm still trying to figure out why he thinks being a witch is a bad thing.

Art is what happens when you dare to be who you really are

Woman Crush of the Week - Nina Hagen "NunSexMonkRock" (if you know, you know)

Chris Hargensen @realchrishargensen on Tuth Social: I HATE CARRIE WHITE! 

Ruin your life, worry about things you can't control, or better yet, don't!!!

It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning

Thou shall not crave thye neighbor (Yes, you read this correctly)

Don't sit at tables where they talk about others. When you get up you're the topic

Can we talk here?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hump Day & Chill

Reese Witherspoon
Vanessa Lutz

"Do you wanna get shot a whole buncha times?" Vaness Lutz, Freeway

I decided to ge totally diffrent head for this Wednesday's edition of "Hump Day & Chill" and illustrate how not to chill.

The dark comedy Freeway has been on my mind of late, thus I watched it again on Tubi (I love Tubi!) - Well one Miss Vanessa Lutz is a perfect example of how not to chill. She is tightley wound and a tad on the trigger happy side (vilolent.)

Ms. Lutz is played to perfection by one Ms. Reese Witherspoon, that's all.

Check out the movie if you like, personally while I love Freeway and Reese in it as you can tell by the above image and quote: Vanessa Lutz is no example of how to Hump Day & Chill.


Freeway on IMDb -