Thursday, March 2, 2017

Michael's Musings

Come To Daddy
Michael Shinafelt
Another week has passed and the Academy Awards made history twice in one show can you believe it?! One time for something progressive and liberal and another for the biggest error on an Oscar telecast ever. So big that even if you didn't tune in, you heard about it all over the news.

Never fear I am here this week to address both of those moments and more. It's time for me to crack that whip!

Moonlight, which happened to be my favorite film of the year, won the Best Picture Oscar. Thus making Academy Award history as the first film with an all black cast to do so.

Whatever actually went down backstage and on stage Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty made Oscar history by announcing the incorrect Best Picture winner as La La Land only to have some dude from Price Waterhouse come and make the situation right.

Am I the only one who sees a commercial for Kong: Skull Island and thinks Kong: Skull Fuck Island?

Once upon a time there was a transvestite hooker fresh from a trick...

Remember: No matter what you think, I am always way ahead of you

Eat a hot dog and go home, or not

For the record I love Million Reasons by Lady Gaga, but the song really makes no sense. She has a million reasons to let someone go, but if they give her one good one they can stay? Do the math...

Can someone please tell me why? Yeah, I thought not.

A shout out to my friend Naama Kates, her indie film which she wrote, directed not to mention starred in Sorceress is out now! I highly recommend it. You can find it here:

Just say no to blowing aliens for space Range Rovers

I was pleased Emma Stone won Best Actress for La La Land. The film, while entertaining was incredibly overrated. She really elevated the material and brought a lot of depth and heart to her role.

Until we cyber again, don't do anything I wouldn't do, but if you do, name it after me!

Follow me at:  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Deja Vu

From The Cher Playbook
Nicki Minaj
OK, Cher fans tell me what you see when you glance at this photo of Nicki Minaj shooting a video in Miami? If you thought Holy Shades of Cher I completely understand and relate as I did too!

Yes Darling Nicki there are those of us out there who recognize this look is a copy of one that the Goddess Cher donned back in her Sonny & Cher days. So that means we are basically old, and don't win any sort of prize other than the privilege to be smug.

Oddly no one has pointed this fact out with the blurbs that accompany this image on the WWW. My guess is either they are too young to know, or perhaps they do know and decided to let old people like myself have a smug time.

Whatever the case Cher wore it best and it shows Nicki has good taste in the inspiration department. 

Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves indeed!

Nicki on Instagram:  

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Big In Taipei?

Smiles, Everyone, Smiles...
Hugh Jackman
With the newest Wolverine movie Logan opening this Friday a photo of Hugh Jackman at an event for the comic book opus in Taipei, Taiwan seemed like a fitting image for a Tuesday.

It looks like Jackman and his alter ego Logan are quite a hit among the Taipei set. Hugh the ever gracious stopped and did selfies with his adoring fans.

Personally I am not too into movies based on comic books. Once in a while there is one that manages to appeal to me, but for the most part...

Hugh Jackman on the other hand is hugely appealing mainly because he is so down to earth, talented and good looking. That's a pretty lethal combo, trust me I have first hand experience with this type of guy and it is an irresistible force. 

So on that note I leave you with this Tuesday Trope - Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman!

Thank me later.

Get yourself some Intsa-Hugh at:   

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sorceress-Magic Or Madness?

Planets of the Universe
Naama Kates
Happy Post Oscar Monday, how about that Best Picture flub? Moving on you may recall a fairly recent interview I did with filmmaker Naama Kates about her indie Sorceress here is the link:

Well guess what peeps, it's been released! Here to tell you all about it is a note from Naama herself, read on minions...

Hey. Hey! What is up, hey?

Sooo... Nowadays, making movies is easy. NOT. Nowadays, making movies is frickin' hard. Writing them, shooting them, producing them-- it takes a village. Literally. A big, whopping, fat production, also literally, involving the creative and administrative skills and talents of many, many people. The most collaborative medium of all media. So there's that. To make movies...

And getting anyone to see them, once made, is frickin' hard. Hard, hard, hard!!! Because, well, because it's always been hard, because it's a competitive field, and cuz of democratization of resources, and technology, and various new media outlets, like SVOD platforms, and cuz who cares, cuz everyone has a story, and cuz there are so many good ones already being told, every moment of every day, not just at the cinema or on the telly or the radio, but on your social media feed, and over the phone, and at the neighborhood pub, and, lord knows in any newspaper, and, and, and.

So, not to make a short story longer, and because I have not won any awards* so a long-winded gushing acceptance speech is not in order, I'll refrain from thanking, in this email, all of the incredible people who made this all possible... Also, that's what the credits are for... But I would like to mention my awesome distributor, Global Genesis Group, and in particular Charles Morris Jr. of GGG for taking a chance with me and my film, Sorceress, because now it is available for y'all to see, on-demand on Amazon, for rent, and free if you have Amazon Prime (which I highly recommend as a longtime member for like 5 years now). So, YEAH!

And this is IT:

If you wanna know a bit more before you take the plunge, check out the images and synopsis on the Global Genesis site at:
Or the review by brilliant philosopher and author, Daniel Coffeen at:
And if you wanna, stop by and like the FB movie page (though I really got update that) at:
And follow on Twitter (gotta get that together too):

So okay YEAH. Most importantly, drum roll please, just go watch it!!!!!!!!

Now y'all take care. Be safe. Drink a lot of water and wear sunscreen and a hat. And a scarf and a coat, cuz it's cold.

Love and other indoor sports,

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Dance Erika, Dance!

She's A Painkillr
Erika Jayne
This morning I woke up with a reason to actually watch Dancing With The Stars this season. It turns out Erika Jayne of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will be on hand when the cast is officially announced March 1st! Yahoooooooooooooo....!!!

Can I get a Pat The Puss?! I knew I could...this will give the show a much needed shot in the arm after the previous lackluster season (I don't even remember who was on, nor did I watch any of it.)

Erika is my favorite "Housewife" bar none. She has class, sass and most of all she IS real and gives zero fucks. I'll let you in on a secret, I actually follow her on Instagram, the more you know.

I will for sure be tuning in to see Jayne shake her groove thang! She gives the gays everything they want and more after all.

Erika on Instagram:

Friday, February 24, 2017

"The Help" Reunion

Can We Help?
l-r Octavia Spence, Emma Stone & Viola Davis
Since this Sunday is Oscar Sunday and all three of these ladies are up for an Academy Award, I thought this was a fitting image for the Friday leading into the hallowed event.

Here we have Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone and Viola Davis at the 2017 nominees luncheon. Yes, the cast members from The Help are reunited and it felt so good.

Spencer posted the photo op on her Instagram with this caption:

"Today was so fun it felt like graduation. Especially seeing my #HelpAlums. Congrats to all nominees especially these two!!" 

Pretty cool that three women who shared an experience all all up for the Big "O" this year.

While I'm at it let me state Viola Davis is a shoo in for supporting actress for her work in Fences and Emma Stone is my personal favorite (and is predicted to win by many) for best actress in La La Land.

Congratulations you three and have fun Sunday

Octavia on Instagram: