Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Current Mood

Wouldn't You Give Your Tongue To A Friend?!
Dylan McDermott & Christopher Meloni

Sometimes you just gotta give someone the tongue. This is obviously an open to interpretation statement and should be treated as such, so proceed with caution when utilizing it.

Dylan McDermott took to Twitter with this post from the set of Law & Order: Organized Crime slapping it with the caption: "This is what I have to put up with everyday."

Well I don't know about you but I certainly wouldn't mind Christopher Meloni giving me the tongue every which way, and loose.

Yeah, Dylan it's hard out there for a mob boss.

Reach out and give someone your tongue today, it will definitely add something unique to it. While I'm not sure exactly what that is, think of it as an adventure 😀

Law & Order: Organized Crime on the WWW -


Monday, November 22, 2021

Courtside Cuties

Having A Ball
Cara Delevingne & Selena Gomez

Another Monday, another week to enjoy! Yeah, I know we are all supposed to bag on Monday, yet I am feeling particularly bouncy myself today, so there!!!

For the rest of you singing the Monday Blues well here's Cara Delevingne & Selena Gomez courtside for the New York Knicks v Orlando Magic game at Madison Square Garden.

Since they look adorbs together this should help you Monday naysayers mood a little. Perhaps a lot depending on just how much you don't like Monday's.

It's time Minions to brush yourself off and adult...!!! 

Monday on Wikipedia -


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Music Makes The People Come Together

Who's Your Pick?

Tonight we celebrate music! That's correct Minions the American Music Awards are being broadcast tonight from the Microsoft Theater in Hollywood. They are being hosted by none other than Cardi B. 

I guess that means "B There, Or B Square???" anyway I tune in mainly for the performances. Music is the escape I, and you, meaning we, need at present.

Wanna play along, well being the giver that I am I have provided you with a list of nominees below. "Yes" they are at your fingertips, all you have to do is hit the link.

Let the music play!


Saturday, November 20, 2021

"We Met Lizzo"

When BTS Met Lizzo

So it appears South Korean boy band BTS met the one and only Lizzo at the Harry Styles concert in Los Angeles. How do I know this?! Because they took it to Twitter, naturally.

They captioned the Tweet "We Met Lizzo." Lizzo followed their lead and Re-Tweeted the photo with "I Met BTS."

Awwwww....Harry Styles uniting his fellow artists for one big love fest in the guise of a concert, it really doesn't get any better than that.

So let's throw ourselves into our collective Saturday and spread the joy that is BTS & Lizzo, in spirit, not literally!!!

BTS on IG -


Lizzo on IG -


Friday, November 19, 2021

Film Buff Friday: Arsenic And Old Lace

In another lifetime (High School to be exact) I was in the play Arsenic And Old Lace, I played a cop. At this point and juncture in my life the memory of the content of the show are vague at best.

That's why I am happy that my buddy Jay Jacobson has got me, and you, covered on his  classic movie blog. 

"No" I've never seen the film, but thanks to Jay's tantalizing write-up about it color me now intrigued to go and watch it. Not to mention the nostalgia value of having been in a stage production of it for added incentive.

I now have my Friday Night plans, join me, won't you?

Click on the link below for all the 411!


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Michael's Musings

Can You Picture The Things I'm Thinking Of?
Michael Shinafelt

So another Thursday another column, can you picture the things I'm thinking of Minions? I'm sure a few choice images immediately come to mind 😉

Then there are the thoughts that come after all that, I'm here for it, and I'm gonna mention them all! Mic Drop...!!!

Is it OK to lie about liking big butts? Asking for a friend

Evil Colors Tonight, the more you know

Into the mud Trash Bandit!

Barba is back on Law & Order: SVU January 7th, Yay! (he's so sexy)

I had Tacos for breakfast yesterday because I am a 55 year old man and I make extremely mature decisions

We all need someone in our lives that will look at us the way Judge Schroeder looks at Kyle Rittenhouse

Saw Saturday Night Fever for the first time since my 20's recently on HBO. I forgot how hardcore that movie was, Daaaaaaaaamn!!!

Yes! Britney is a free woman, not a girl.

Woman Crush of the Week - Taylor Swift for being a boss and owning everyone's ass

Pajama Party anyone???

This week's episode of Chucky was epic, only two more to go! Can't wait to see how they wrap this season up!!!

Surround yourself with people, that's it, you're on your own now

Catch me outside beotch

Have at it!

Find out what "IT" is here: 



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hump Day & Chill

Matthew Camp

Adult Performer, Model & Internet Personality Matthew Camp has been the subject of much chatter of late due to a supposedly life like doll in his image and body proportions.

While I find this claim highly debatable (check out the image above, and don't question me) it did make me think about how sexy I find Matthew. Thus he is the object of our Hump Day & Chill affection today.

Yeah, I rarely, if ever fantasize about Adult Performers, but there's something about Matthew. Despite his distinct lack of body hair, he gives good vibe, you know what I'm saying, oh yes you do...

He's boyish, yet manly. Cute, yet handsome. Nice, yet rough. The whole, pardon the intended pun "package" if you will.

Thus I am going to give you the link to Matthew's Twitter feed where you can see much more (all) of him and Hump Day & Chill!

Matthew on Twitter -
