Thursday, April 1, 2021

Michael's Musings

Blurred Lines
Michael Shinafelt

Do you ever think to yourself "What Line Did I Cross?" In the world we live in is there even one left to do so with? Is this too deep to ponder? Remember when April Fools Day actually was novel and not 365 days a year? 

There are so many questions and not enough answers or time to ruminate on them so let's forget about it and dance!

I'm loving little Lil Nas  X current single Montero (Call Me By Your Name)

At first it was weird partying with old guys, the more you know...

Autocorrect is messed up I typed a text to a friend saying "Hi Sandy" and it suggested I follow my greeting with "Hook Elementary" wished I was joking

Got my first vaccine Monday - Pfizer is the word

Koalas have Chlamydia, say that three times fast

April 1st needs to be a regular day, personally I can not take one more act of tomfoolery 

Isn't it great to have a real President?

BTW If you wanna talk about it, I'm on it!

Woman Crush of the Week - Make it woman crushes this week, Chrissy Teigen and her Mom Vilailuck Teigen on the cover of People Magazine's "Beautiful" issue

Thank You Science 

Notice how Matt Gaetz and Butthead are never in the same room?! 

Some people need to remember they have the right to remain silent 

I can't wait for the return of Stabler tonight on Law & Order: SVU!!!

Wanna Watusi, Slamdance, Jitterbug???

Do a little sidestep with me here:

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