Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Hump Day & Chill

Anthony Perkins

Since I've been hanging out on the Universal Studios Lot of late. I have been under the influence of movie magic. That and the Alfred Hitchcock "Get Ready For Your Close-Up!" image I saw posted inside one of the buildings has me thinking a Hump Day & Chill in honor of Anthony Perkins is in order.

I've always found Perkins quite sexy, there's that handsome boyish exterior that conveys a certain All American innocence that masks a freak flag that is ready to fly at a moments notice. 

Not to mention Anthony happens to star in three of my all time favorite films: Psycho, Pretty Poison & Crimes of Passion. "Yes" in all of them he use his seemingly "normal" facade to mask some really twisted stuff!

Hey, I like bad boys who have a pretty exterior but give off a vibe that you just know there is a lot more going on beneath the surface fer sure.

So here is to the late, not to mention great Anthony Perkins.

It's time to Hump Day & Chill Minions!!!

Anthony Perkins on Wikipedia -

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